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罐装食品可以久存。The canning food can save.

你能扶我回得了家吗?。Can your canning hand me return to home?.

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我们的特殊装罐方法能保存味道。Our special canning process seals the flavour in.

罐头制造中重要微生物的耐热性Heat Resistance of Microorganisms Important in Canning

罐装牛肉时,压力罐的使用很重要。The use of a pressure canner is vital when canning meat.

本发明提供了一种发泡剂压力罐的使用工具,属于工程技术领域。The use of a pressure canner is vital when canning meat.

超人已向他的姑娘提供了一个成为罐头业新娘的机会。Superman has provided a chance to his girl of being a canning bride.

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大表哥,难道你还看不出来我被点穴了么!?Big cousin, was your still canning not seeing clearly me ordered cave!

还有一些贡献三脚梯子,修枝剪和灌装设备。Still others contribute tripod ladders, pruning gear, and canning equipment.

水果和蔬菜遇热不稳定,可加热或制成罐头食品食用。Fruit and vegetables are heat-labile and can be eaten after heating or canning.

恨由于互相的恨增加,但可以为爱所消灭。Hate because of hating increment each other, but canning be exterminated by love.

奶奶还把做好的草莓酱、番茄、豆子、辣椒、梨子和桃子装进罐子里,使它们的美味能保持一整个漫长的冬天。Grandma put up stawberry jam,tomatoes,beans,peppers,pears and peaches in canning jam.

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奶奶还把做好的草莓酱、番茄、豆子、辣椒、梨子和桃子装进罐子里,使它们的美味能保持一整个漫长的冬天。Grandma put up strawberry jam,tomatoes,beans,peppers,pears and peaches in canning jam.

我正在调查食品是如何装入罐头的,所以我需要同罐装厂的工作人员谈谈。I'm investigating how food is put into cans,so I need to talk to someone at a canning factory.

但慢慢的,我有了很多闲工夫,所以我要用更多的时间来卖易拉罐。But as time went on, I had a lot of time to kill, so I would spend more of it out there canning.

大麻用罐头瓶子装着放在玻璃柜台后面,贴着类似天行者以及无名字的标签。Pot is kept behind glass counters in canning jars tagged with names like Skywalker and Nameless.

“非常健康的双向交叉的销售机会总是有的,”德勤的麦克•坎宁说。"There's been a very healthy two-way cross-selling opportunity, " says Mike Canning of Deloitte.

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1810年,一个法国发明家,尼古拉斯。阿佩尔发明了加热密封的罐头加工方法。In 1810 a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the cooking-and-sealing process of canning.

自制的罐装食品只有严格按照规定来装罐,才能保证安全的无菌操作。Home-canned food can be prepared safely only if proper canning techniques are followed to the letter.

当然,陕甘宁边区的民主政治建设有其局限性,但这是次要的。Of course, the democratic construction of Shan Canning had the limited aspects, but these were minors.