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接下来请尝试调试器。Try out the debugger next.

它是一个命令行调试器。It is a command-line debugger.

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无论如何,务必选用一种调试器。Whatever you do, use the debugger.

否则,调试器会忽略它们。Otherwise, the debugger ignores them.

包括了调试支持的MonoDevelopMonoDevelop including debugger support

在流调试器上执行单步跳出。Proceed one step over on the Flow Debugger.

特定于产品的调试器的需求是什么?What is the need for a product-specific debugger?

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我指的是,难道没有任何使用除错程式的时机吗?I mean is there any good time to use a debugger at all?

启动客户端机器上的调试器用户界面。Start the debugger user interface on the client machine.

为什么我的4D数据库调试器不显示所有板吗?Why does my 4D Database debugger not display all panels?

用于查看这些程序如何工作的工具就是调试器。The tool for seeing how these things work is the debugger.

若要设定资料中断点,侦错工具必须只处于中断模式下。To set data breakpoints, the debugger must be in break mode only.

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这个工具栏图标还指出调试器是否处于打开状态。This toolbar icon also indicates whether the debugger is on or off.

在准备使用调试器时再取消这些行的注释。You'll uncomment those lines when you're ready to use the debugger.

它的一个独特的特性是常规表达式调试器。One of the unique features of it is its regular expression debugger.

适用于编程代码的一般规则也适用于调试器代码。What's true for programming code in general is true for debugger code.

您可以在想要使调试器停下的代码处设置和除去断点。Set and remove breakpoints in code where you want the debugger to stop.

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否则,它将连接到特定地址上的调试器应用程序。Otherwise, it attaches to a debugger application at the specified address.

调试器使用这些基本信息片段来实现调试目的。The debugger uses these basic pieces of information for debugging purposes.

下表说明调试器可识别的格式说明符。The following tables show the format specifiers recognized by the debugger.