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这条路留有很深的车辙。The road was deeply rutted.

道路坎坷不平,到处是坑坑洼洼的雨水。The road was deeply rutted and pooled with rain.

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一个他曾经那么宠幸的男孩给了他绝妙的回报。A boy he rutted with once too often returned the favor.

城内主街,一条留有很深的车辙的马路,冻得硬梆梆的。The main street was a deeply rutted road, now frozen hard.

柏油路面两边的辅道上布满车辙,凹凸不平。The side tracks off the tarred road were rutted and uneven.

在阿富汗乡村的大部分地区,车辙痕迹或干涸的河床成为仅有的道路。Rutted tracks or dry riverbeds constitute the only roads in much of rural Afghanistan.

一辆满载戴着统一红帽的志愿者的汽车也在乡间绵延土路颠簸而来。A busload of volunteers in matching red hats was bumping along the village's rutted dirt road.

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在1991年的某一天上午,杜聪走下河南省农村一条车辙深深的脏土路,走进一间一贫如洗的农舍。On a rutted dirt road in rural Henan Province, Chung To, A.M. ’91, entered a destitute farmhouse.

“这有点缺德呀,”劳拉乐着告诉他,在??细雨里,他们相互簇拥着,路上留下深深的车辙。"This is wicked, " Nora told him amusedly as they jostled down the rutted road in a misting rain.

成队的军用卡车拖着榴弹炮,沿坑坑洼洼的山路前行,士兵们在泥地里演练,在乡下每隔半英里就出现一座军事基地,瞭望塔在铁丝网背后拔地而起。Convoys of army trucks haul howitzers along rutted mountain roads. Soldiers drill in muddy fields.

离开硬路面,我们接着拐进一条岔道,心中的很多忧虑这时已被抛之脑后,于是开始了一段颠簸的骑行,道路泥泞不堪,凹凸不平,却是通往心中的乐土。As we exited the pavement, I left many of my concerns behind and began the bumpy ride on the rutted dirt road to paradise.

王子在马上挺直坐着,先看了看他走过的那些凹凸不平的地方,又看看了面前将要走上的那些凹凸不平的地方。The Prince sat still upon his horse, looking first at the rutted space that he had traversed and then at the rutted space before him.

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她和很多有车的人一样,宁愿乘公共汽车或出租车,也不愿让自己的私车在坑洼不平的公路上受损。Car owners like her often prefer to take the bus or even a taxi to protect their private vehicles from being damaged by the rutted road.

同时,二极管也很难打碎,这对于要在非洲坑洼的马路上经受颠簸的运输者而言,是一个真正的优点。Diodes are also harder to break -- a real advantage for a technology that must endure a bumpy truck ride over the rutted roads of Africa.

旅行,如果坐火车开始,在交尾道路之上被拥挤的公共汽车通常跟随,被骡-憔悴的时常结束,二-旋转无春天的北京手推车。Travel, if begun by train, was usually followed by crowded bus over rutted roads, ending often by mule-drawn, two- wheeled springless Peking cart.

中巴车开上东发村印满车辙的泥土路,载着这位年轻工人和他的太太离开这个靠近俄罗斯边界的穷乡僻壤。The bus is starting to roll down the rutted dirt road in Dongfa village, carrying the young worker and his wife away from this ghost town near the Russian border.

出了城,我们就离开大路上了盘山道。很快,路变得颠簸不平、坑坑洼洼、满是车辙。我真担心我们的车要散架。Outside of town, we turned off the main road and headed up a twisty mountain road that soon became so bumpy, rutted and crumbled that I feared we might bust an axle.

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高耀洁是中国艾滋病人的突出工作者,她回想起一次胡先生骑自行车从一条肮脏、布满车辙的路去到去一个艾滋病村的情景。Gao Yaojie, a prominent advocate for AIDS patients in China, recalled how Mr. Hu once rode a bicycle down a rutted dirt road to reach an isolated village decimated by AIDS.

有一次我在一个小镇上给几个小孩几盒巧克力奶,结果引来一大群娃娃追著我们的汽车跑,当汽车在颠簸的道路上缓慢行驶时,他们甚至把手伸进车里要东西,让我很担心他们中的某一个会被汽车撞倒。I handed chocolate milk boxes to a few kids in one small town , only to have an army of children chasing our car and hanging onto the doors as we slowly bumped down a rutted road.

在厄瓜多尔舒舒分地61区的热带丛林中,一排排的树木和生锈的带刺铁丝围栏之后,藏匿着一处石油废料倾倒坑,周围肮脏的地上尚留有车辙。HIDDEN behind a row of trees and a rusted barbed-wire fence on a rutted dirt road in the Ecuadorean jungle, Shushufindi 61, a pit in which oil waste is dumped, is hardly a beauty spot.