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那个阿谀的修道士是个集邮爱好者。The flattery monacal is a philatelic.

集邮能帮我学习到课堂上没有学习到的东西。Philatelic help me learn not to the classroom to learn things.

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直到1982年,该集邮社团才得以恢复。It was not until 1982 that the philatelic association got re-established.

音像和计算机程序格式化集邮,网页中。Audiovisual and computer formatted philatelic programs, Web pages included.

在国外我有一些收集邮票的朋友,我们交换收藏的邮票。I have philatelic friends in foreign countries, and we exchange collections.

从今天开始,这些纪念邮品将在市内的各大邮政网点售卖。The philatelic souvenirs are now available at all the post offices of the city.

如发觉你们的集邮网页未被记录在以上网页当中,请把你们的网址电邮给我们。If you know any philatelic homepages have not listed above, please inform us by sending email.

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尽管2009年全球金融动荡,但集邮活动丰富有趣。In spite of the global financial instability the year was rich in interesting philatelic events.

因为我的集邮梦想源自青春时期,而真正的集邮生涯却源自儿子出生那一年。Because my stamp dreams from youth, and the true philatelic career is derived from the son was born that year.

为庆祝2000年的到来,中国中央电视台、中国集邮总公司联合发行纪念封一枚。China Central Television and China National Philatelic Corporation jointly issued a commemorative cover to celebrate the coming of the year 2000.

介绍香港集邮活动及其发展历程,简介香港集邮组及四个主要邮学会的成立背景、发展及其对推广香港集邮活动的贡献。Features the main public philatelic activities and portrays the origins, growth and contributions of four main philatelic societies in Hong Kong.

一位集邮局官员说他们已经开始调查,但是要想从全国各地数百个邮局中回收这些邮票则为时已晚。An official of the Philatelic Bureau said an inquiry had been launched, but said it was too late to recall the stamps from hundreds of post offices across the country.

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集邮的快乐数不清,集邮的作用说不完,让我们快点踏进奇妙的方寸世界的大门吧,让它陪伴我们快乐成长!Philatelic countless happy, lots to talk about the role of philately, let us quickly enter the wonderful world of seals the door to it, let it grow for keeping us happy!

2009年10月,集邮和钱币办公室梵蒂冈城国制作了一个由韩德尔,海顿和门德尔松-尔迪音乐作品选光盘。In October 2009, the Philatelic and Numismatic Office of the Vatican City State produced a CD with a selection of musical works by Handel, Haydn and Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.

1936年,为纪念首次奥运圣火传递,希腊邮政部门发行了邮票和纪念封,并在圣火传递所经过的国家都加盖了纪念邮戳。This very symbolic event was accompanied since 1936, for its first edition, by stamps and philatelic activities. ELTA, the Greek Post, has issued special stamps and covers.

邮票策划及拓展处网页现已加入本地邮学会网页的超连结,包括香港邮学会及中国邮学会。Hyperlinks to the websites of local philatelic societies, including The Hong Kong Philatelic Society and China Philatelic Association, have been added to Hongkong Post Stamps website.

此次售卖的邮品分为六类,分别是售价为238元和158元的邮册、售价为15元的邮折、10元的纪念封、纪念片组合套装,以及售价为80元的集邮护照。The stamp albums are priced RMB 238 yuan and RMB 158 yuan respectively, stamp folder RMB 15 yuan, souvenir cover and souvenir sheet set RMB 10 yuan and philatelic passport RMB 80 yuan.

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为推广和提高香港邮政在国际集邮坛的形象,我们参与了这项大奖赛,以期向外界展示香港邮票的设计和品质。In a bid to promote and enhance Hongkong Post's image among the international philatelic community, we participate in this Award to put to test the design and quality of Hong Kong stamps.

深圳市国松电子有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的专业按摩健身器材生产商。Shenzhen . GuoSongs Electronics. CO Ltd. is a philatelic research and development, production, sales as one of professional massage fitness equipment manufacturer which has passed the CE.

遗憾的是,这种需求仅仅来自很小的群体,追求高品质的一个小群体.这些人可称之为集邮界的贵族。Unfortunately, the demand in Russia is from only a very small cohort, a small population that seeks to acquire all high-value items for itself. It can be described as a philatelic aristocracy.