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封锁进气口。Blocked air intake.

喷涂进气口后面的蓝色。Spray blue behind the intake.

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进气阀卡住了,关不上。The intake valve was jammed open.

校验进气阀和旁通阀。Checksum intake valve and bypass valve.

进水口是安装在里面的。The water intake is internally mounted.

其他食品可以添加到您的摄入酮戊酸。Other foods can add to your intake of ALA.

把你一星期的热卡摄入量记录下来。Keep a of your calorie intake for one week.

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那么,大家应该怎样控制食盐摄取量呢?What can you do about your own salt intake?

每一天的摄取量大约是1000千卡左右。Intake per day is about about 1000000 cards.

推荐的纤维每天摄入量是35克。The recommended daily intake of fiber is 35g.

把你一星期的热卡摄入量记录下来。Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.

由于药片的进水闸,她可能飞行。She could fly because of the intake of the pills.

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全部病例愈合后均恢复正常饮食。All patients could intake semi-fluid after healing.

植物性饮食可以降低你的脂肪摄入量。Lower your fat intake by eating a plant-based diet.

当你的媒体斋戒结束,重新考虑你的媒体摄取量。Once your fast is over, re-think your media intake.

替代率是表示食入量的重要指标。Substitution rate is an important index for intake.

过多的摄入糖分会导致神经病症。Excess intake of sugar results in neurotic symptoms.

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减少盐和高脂肪食物的摄入。Limit the intake of salty and highly fattening foods.

减少炉底蒸汽,关小进气阀门。Reduce furnace bottom steam, pass small intake valve.

你也要限制你的咖啡因和酒精的摄入量。Also, try to limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol.