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委内瑞拉官员对此守口如瓶。Venezuelan officials were tight-lipped.

委内瑞拉的政治最近很纷杂。Venezuelan politics have been very complicated lately.

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中国也没法和委内瑞拉革命相提并论。There is nothing in China to match the Venezuelan orchestral revolution.

是委内瑞拉贵族后裔,在欧洲受教育。The son of a Venezuelan aristocrat, Bol var received a European education.

委内瑞拉首领胡戈·查韦斯据报道在Twitter网上有两万追随者。Venezuelan leader Hugo Chávez has a reported one million Twitter followers.

与您的手中,并帮助有需要的儿童委内瑞拉和平村。Work with your hands and help children in need in a Venezuelan Peace Village.

周六,委内瑞拉总统查维斯到古巴接受进一步的癌症治疗。Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez returned to Cuba for further cancer treatment on Saturday.

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委内瑞拉总统查维兹视察马图林的一间小学教室,手持地球仪与学生交流。Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez holds a globe in a class room in Maturin September 17, 2007.

这位病痛中的领导人出现在他的朋友委尼瑞拉总统查维斯主持的一个电视节目。The ailing leader called into a broadcast hosted by his friend Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

委内瑞拉总统查韦斯于23日抵达北京,开始对中国进行为期3天的国事访问。Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrived in Beijing on 23, to China for a three-day state visit.

两种细菌是让豆子不会造成肠胃胀气的关键,委内瑞拉研究人员说。Two strains of bacteria are the key to making beans flatulence-free, Venezuelan researchers said.

委内瑞拉官员表示,一小部分监狱暴徒对其他犯人实施了恐怖主义活动。Venezuelan officials say a small gang of inmates is terrorising the rest of the prison population.

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热带雨林野生动物图片。蟒蛇,像这一条靠近委内瑞拉的河堤,是特大的蟒蛇家庭成员。Anacondas, like this one near a Venezuelan riverbank, are particularly large members of the boa family.

上个月,委国军队还破坏了在Cúcuta附近跨越边境单帮客常用的两座行人陆桥。Venezuelan troops last month destroyed two pedestrian bridges near Cúcuta used by cross-border pedlars.

实际上,委内瑞拉议院似乎正准备授予查韦斯新的发布紧急命令的权利。In fact, the Venezuelan parliament appears poised to once again grant him sweeping new emergency powers.

而俄新社报道当斯诺登抵达时,委内瑞拉外交人员接走了他。Russian news agency Interfax also reported that a Venezuelan diplomat picked Snowden up when he arrived.

加拉加斯市树立起了原油钻井台,用以纪念石油对委内瑞拉的重要性和石油带给这个国家的骄傲。A crude oil rig has been erected in Caracas to celebrate the national importance and pride in Venezuelan oil.

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不过,作为委内瑞拉社会永久性的一部分,两极分化这一现象在查韦斯治下只是越来越严重。But polarization, which has always been part of Venezuelan society, has only grown more intense under Chavez.

委内瑞拉总统乌戈查韦斯的政治涂鸦装饰在佩塔雷,在加拉加斯,委内瑞拉贫民窟墙。Political graffiti of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez decorates a wall in Petare, a slum in Caracas, Venezuela.

1903年1月,当德国人轰炸圣卡洛斯堡并摧毁一个委内瑞拉市镇时舆论大哗。It became greatly agitated when Germans bombarded Fort San Carlos and destroyed a Venezuelan town in January 1903.