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从此人有了原罪。Original sin, people.

他是个原创歌手。He is a original singer.

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这是她的原币。It is her original coin.

但这是最原始的版本么?But was this the original?

我们每个人都是原创真品。Each of us is an original.

食为人天,农为正本。——李世民。Eat a day, as the original.

即使是原唱者也被愚弄了!Even the original is fooled!

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玻璃平板上没有原件。No original on platen glass.

不错,我说鞘是原配。Yes, the sheath is original.

而且我们创作原版音乐,And we write original music,

我可是原汁原味的性感尤物。I am the original sexy beast.

哦,原来生活如此多娇。Oh, the original life so much.

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梦的当初那么真。Our original dream was so true.

这比原样差。It is below the original sample.

让我们重归于元始的混沌!Let us return to original chaos!

原件被留在玻璃平板上。Original is left on platen glass.

等候,是终生最初的苍老。Wait, is the original hoary life.

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是谁想出这个独出心裁的主意的?Who thought of the original idea?

请选用原厂滤清器!Please choose the original filter!

所以,回到原来的问题!So, back to the original question!