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免疫疗法广泛应用于临床实践。Immunotherapy is widely used in clinical practice.

肿瘤免疫治疗的核心是肿瘤抗原问题。And the focus of tumor immunotherapy is tumor antigen.

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应该是第一线的治疗。Immunotherapy "should be a first-line therapy, " Lockey says.

过继性回输免疫效应细胞是其中的重要方法之一。Adoptive cellular immunotherapy is one of the important approaches.

FOXP3可能成为星形细胞肿瘤免疫调节的新靶点。FOXP3 may provide a new target for immunotherapy of astrocytic tumors.

近年来,以DC为基础的肿瘤疫苗已成为肿瘤免疫治疗的热点。Recently, DC based vaccine has been a hotpoint in tumor immunotherapy.

正因为如此人们对免疫治疗寄予厚望。Now people desire to eradictate MRD by immunotherapy after chemotherapy.

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本文对CA的免疫功能和免疫治疗研究作一综述。This article reviews the study on immune function and immunotherapy of CA.

癌症的免疫治疗对一些患者有效,而对其他患者无效。Immunotherapy for cancer has been effective in some patients but not in others.

因此,该病免疫防治的研究具有重要意义。So, studying on immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy of the disease are important.

树突状细胞主动免疫治疗是近年来国内外肿瘤治疗研究的热点。The active immunotherapy of dendritic cells is hot in tumor therapy research area.

新的免疫疗法试图借助人体的免疫系统来对抗癌症。New immunotherapy treatments seek to harness the body's immune system to fight cancer.

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对真菌变应原皮试阳性病例进行免疫治疗。Fungal immunotherapy was given to children who showed positive results on the skin tests.

免疫疗法能帮助免疫系统把癌症视为一种威胁,并对它展开攻击。Immunotherapy tries to help the immune system recognize cancer as a threat, and attack it.

非病毒传染病,范围的化学疗法以来以远超过那的免疫疗法。For non-viral infections, the extent of chemotherapy by far outweighs that of immunotherapy.

探讨MSC在体外对淋巴细胞增殖的抑制作用。Because of their immunomodulatory function, the MSCs could also be used in the immunotherapy.

TLR3激动剂作为免疫佐剂已应用到某些肿瘤的辅助性免疫治疗。TLR3 agonists, as immunoadjuvant, have been applied for adjuvant immunotherapy of some tumors.

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结论主动免疫疗法对复发性流产患者有较高的保胎成功率。Conclusion Active immunotherapy can improve the rate of pregnancy in cases of recurrent abortion.

细胞免疫记忆、病毒感染的免疫病理及免疫治疗。Immune pathogenesis and immunotherapy of virus infections, molecular mechanisms of T cell memory.

部分趋化因子通过趋化和调节免疫效应细胞的功能来发挥抗肿瘤免疫作用。Some chemokine can be used in anti-tumor immunotherapy by its chemotactic function on tumor cells.