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她拥有富于青春活力的声音。She got a youthful vibrant voice.

她的画色彩明快。Her paintings have vibrant colours.

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此操作提供一些鲜明的色彩。This one provides some vibrant colors.

怒浪的庞大的海族--在庙宇的门墙内。And vibrant tail, within the temple-gate.

现在的清远充满了生机和活力。Today's qingyuan is vigorous and vibrant.

她健康活泼生气勃勃。She was vibrant with health and enthusiasm.

迷人的稻黄色酒体,边缘呈现出亮绿色泽。The color is vibrant straw with green edges.

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今天就报名加入我们的联络网活动。Join us now to be part of our vibrant network.

活力哑光橙色上带绿色闪光。Vibrant matte orange topped with green shimmer.

大提琴、女低音、金丝雀的颤音。The vibrant Notes of a cello, contralto, canary.

人类生机勃勃的家园,转瞬之间惨不忍睹。Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun between appalling.

一个活跃的摩托车爱好者社区迅速成长。A vibrant community of motorcyclists quickly grew.

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各种植物树木翠绿葱郁,充满活力。The plants and trees glowed with green, vibrant life.

香港是一个充满活力的城市有着自己明快的生活节奏,人群匆匆,在巍巍高楼耸立的森林里穿梭,或是去参加会议或者讲着电话。Hong Kong is a vibrant city with an infectious rhythm.

这也许有助于使贾里德在退休之后生活依然充满活力。This may help Jared lead a vibrant life in retirement.

那印着极光的天空,变幻着,跳动着一抹抹鲜艳的色彩,也如魔法一般神奇。Skies that magically pulse with washes of vibrant color.

但是和日本一样,韩国对海味也是情有独钟。But South Korea, like Japan, has a vibrant seafood culture.

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灵感来自于现代,艺术和布满活气的跳舞。Inspiration from contemporary, rhythmic and vibrant dances.

第二年羊齿长得更快更浓密。In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.

中国与新州双向投资活动非常活跃。The two way investment between China and NSW is also vibrant.