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这是你的工资。This is your salary.

薪水排在第六位。Salary came in sixth.

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他吝于给我薪水。He grudged me my salary.

青蛙军曹的工资是?Is frog army Cao salary?

你现在的薪俸是怎么样的?。what is your salary now?

他的薪金增加了。His salary has increased.

我会给你优渥的薪水。You'll get a good salary.

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他挣的钱是我的三倍。He earns treble my salary.

请谈下你的月薪要求…?What salary do you expect?

他的薪水并不算高。His salary is none too high.

这意味着没有职位没有薪水。This means no post no salary.

你的年薪是多少?How much is your annual salary?

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你希望取得几多薪水?What haver salary expectations?

你目前的月薪是多少?What’s your monthly salary now?

我希望你能给我加工资。I wish that you raise my salary.

这份工作的薪俸是多少?How much salary does the job pay?

这个月我花钱超过了我的收入。I overspent my salary this month.

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我的月工资支票来迟了。My monthly salary cheque is late.

贵司薪资预算范围是什么?What is the budgeted salary range?

他每个月的薪水,比妻子还要少那么几文。His salary is less than his wife's.