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日本人编写的世嘉土星模拟器。Japanese Sega Saturn prepared by the simulator.

我对自己第一次获得世嘉成因游戏机的那一时刻记忆犹新。I remember when I first got my Sega Genesis console.

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我最先是Atari的代理商,然后又开始作Sega的发行商。你知道Sega吗?So I was a distributor of Atari and then Sega. You know Sega?

经典的世嘉招牌游戏索尼克登陆FLASH平台了,大家赶紧来尝鲜。Sega signs classic game Doom FLASH landing platform, we hasten to Changxian.

此外,还有许多比如专门和其他惊喜,为球迷世嘉游戏等。In addition, there are a host of cameos and other surprises for fans of Sega games.

您所有的旧世嘉朋友都在这里了几年的发球对一些野生前瞻性法院。All of your old Sega friends are here for a few volleys on some wild-looking courts.

此外,我们的消息来源称,世嘉可能瘪三5版本为PS维塔工作。Further, our source says Sega may be working on a version of Yakuza 5 for the PS Vita.

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日本世嘉玩具公司在东京向人们展示了世界上最小的三角钢琴。The Japanese company Sega toys Co. shows people the world's smallest grand piano in Tokyo.

我们正在向SEGA确认这是真有其事,还是无心错误。一旦得到SEGA方面的反馈,我们将及时更新新闻。We're checking with SEGA now whether it's legit or just a typo, and will update as soon as we hear back.

一项在28名患者中进行的单独研究被用于评估Afinitor治疗SEGA的安全性和有效性。A single study of 28 patients was used to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Afinitor to treat SEGA.

SEGA优良也是与下降在枪店的我某一信息,有在过度破坏的一些严肃的潜力。SEGA is also fine with me dropping some info on the gun store, which has some serious potential for Overkill.

这项运动同样适合被制作成游戏,比如科林麦克雷拉力系列、世嘉拉力和微软拉力挑战赛等等。It's also well suited to games, as the likes of the Colin McRae series, SEGA Rally and Rallisport Challenge verify.

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世嘉是一种以反向华尔兹节奏为特点的现代舞蹈风格,大多存在于马达加斯加和毛里求斯附近。Most common in Madagascar and nearby Mauritus, sega is a modern dance style characterized by a reverse-waltz rhythm.

所以请不要试图登录到目前的SEGA通行证,我们将通信服务时变得可用。Therefore please do not attempt to login to SEGA Pass at present, we will communicate when the service becomes available.

发表时间作为最强大的一台机器上,世嘉土星,这个游戏的功能和完善的部分。Being released on one of the most powerful machines of the time, Sega Saturn, this game features unmatched graphics, animation and sound part.

下面是美国世嘉电脑公司的董事长兼首席执行官汤姆·卡林斯基在加利福尼亚旧金山市的加州联合俱乐部发表的演讲。This is a speech by Tom Kalinski, President and CEO, Sega America, Inc. Delivered before the Commonwealth Club California, San Francisco, California.

我认为世嘉是真正感兴趣的每个人都在加压素比赛他们有即将到来的重点,所以他们将注意力集中在他们周围的所有通信。I think Sega is really interested in everybody focusing on the AvP game they've got upcoming, so they're focusing all of their communication around that.

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日本玩具制造商世嘉公司日前向人们展示了他们最新推出的世界上最小的钢琴。Japanese toy maker Sega Toys Co. staff Minako Sakanoue lifts the world's smallest grand piano at the creator's head office in Tokyo Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2006.

周一开始,我们将有更多的内部花絮分享在东京电玩展铅,他们将绘制出一个世嘉专营权的范围更广。Beginning Monday, we'll have more internal tidbits to share in the lead-up to the Tokyo Game Show, and they will draw out to a wider range of Sega franchises.

2010年的5月22日这一天,博物馆举行一个吃豆人的展览,还展示了吃豆人游戏的多系统,如雅达利2600和世嘉主系统。May 2010 is the big day, which will feature a Pac-Man exhibition at the museum and Pac-Man games on multiple systems like the Atari 2600 and SEGA Master System.