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内容非常、非常香艳。It's very, very racy.

那本书与其说是猥亵的,倒不如说是活泼地。The book is racy rather than obscene.

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其轮廓比较矮胖,不能长着长腿。He should be stocky, not long-legged or racy in outline.

但是,这个风格独特的号码不在于在心脏承受不住。This racy little number isn’t for the faint of heart, though.

在制片人挥动他那蓝色铅笔删改前,剧本有一些逃逗性。The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil.

克龙因在法庭上为新闻集团的低俗小报进行辩护而扬名。Mr. Crone had made his name defending the company's racy tabloids in court.

西奥多为格雷琴拍摄猥亵照,她将照片与一则短信通过手机发给了“将军”。T-Bag takes racy photos of Gretchen, and she texts them to Pad Man with a note.

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冲进这部既有科学事实又包含非正式观测的镜片中去寻找吧!A little on the racy side, this film is based on scientific facts and casual observations.

男人如果被一位特定女演员吸引,他可能上网去找她的走光照。Men who are attracted to a particular actress may go online looking for racy photos of her.

英国帅哥班尼希尔以他的可爱幽默在世界扬名,诙谐的歌曲,动人的微笑。Benny Hill is known throughout the world for his racy humor, witty songs, and winning smile.

他明智的认为成语为语言之中流砥柱,最喜锋利见血之辞。He had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrase.

他感到习语是语言的主要支柱,因此特别主张用生动的短语,他的想法是很有道理的。He had a sound feeling that idioms were the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases.

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桑巴的音乐原产于这座城市,至今还是这里狂欢节上的灵魂之音。The samba sound was born in Rio and remains the beating heart of the city’s rather racy Carnival parade.

英国帅哥班尼希尔以他的可爱幽默在世界扬名,诙谐的歌曲,动人的微笑。Britains saucy Benny Hill is known throughout the world for his racy humor, witty songs, and winning smile.

11月,保罗将作为唯一的男性选手去曼彻斯特参加2009年度全英钢管舞大赛总决赛。Paul will be the only man up against racy female dancers at the Pole Divas 2009 final in Manchester in November.

以他们“火辣”的宣传攻势,我还以为他们要尝试和泰格·伍兹签订赞助商协议呢。With some of the racy advertising they use, I half expect them to try and sign Tiger Woods to a sponsorship deal.

作家不会仅仅因为读者喜欢封面恶俗、粗制滥造的作品,而抱怨他的优秀作品受到读者不公正的对待。The author of a good novel wouldn't complain that readers were unfair for preferring a potboiler with a racy cover.

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很明显的,真正造福这些活泼大鼠的,并非个别的抗氧化剂,而是蓝莓里各种成份的组合。Apparently, it's the blend of ingredients inside blueberries—not just isolated antioxidants—that benefited the racy rats.

在疗程开始前、进行到一半和后半部分的时候,研究人员将受试者带进一间上锁的实验室,让他们观看激情电影。Before treatment, halfway through and a few weeks after, they brought the men into a locked lab and showed them a racy film.

机器时代的建筑唤起人们对上世纪20至30年代上海的回忆,那时上海已经开始成为一个现代化的国际都市。The machine-age building form evokes racy 1920s and '30s Shanghai, when the city first emerged as a modern, cosmopolitan city.