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肯特是英格兰的一个郡。Kent is an English county.

狗项圈博物馆,利兹城堡,肯特郡,英国。Dog Collar Museum, Leeds Castle, Kent.

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449年,一位朱特族长成为了肯特的国王。Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449.

一个朱特人首领于449年当上了国王。Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449.

丁卡勒70年时是肯特大学的一年级新生。Kahler was a freshman at Kent State in 1970.

肯特亲王迈克尔颁发了奖品。Prince Michael of Kent presented the prizes.

是肯特海岸上的一个特别的所在。is an extraordinary place on the Kent coast.

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请原谅,先生。我找肯特先生。Excuse me, sir. I come here to meet Mr. Kent.

这一集的特别嘉宾是郑则士。Special Guest for this episode is Kent Cheng.

449年,一位朱特族长成为了肯特的国王。A Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449.

1983年,罗纳德肯特萨鲁特成了她的经理。In 1983, Ronald Kent Surut became her manager.

超级水果还是普通的超人水果?Superfruit, or Just a Plain Old Clark Kent Fruit?

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凯西走进一家旅行社。瑞克?肯特迎接她。Kathy enters a travel agency. Rick Kent greets her.

维奥拉乔扮成男子托马斯·肯特。Viola disguised herself as a boy named Thomas Kent.

阿谁叫三浦健人地少年,自己喜好你好久啦。I have liked you for a long time, the boy calls Kent.

成熟经济是肯特特别关注的。Maturing economies are of particular concern to Kent.

接下来我想请肯特先生向我们简单说一下有关这方案的情况。Next I'd like to ask Mr Kent to brief us on the project.

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克劳奇是肯特郡的一个小村庄以及艾塞克斯里一条河的名字。A small village in Kent and the name of a river in Essex.

CNN的保·拉·莫妮卡和乔·肯特促成了这一报告。CNN's Paul La Monica and Jo Kent contributed to this report.

持同样观点的还有参议员利伯曼,肯特康拉德和玛丽兰德鲁。So have Senators Joe Lieberman, Kent Conrad, and Mary Landrieu.