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金拨号盘。Gold dial.

只要加拨0就可以了。Just dial zero.

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往家给我拨打电话。Dial me at home.

视频拨号音?。VDT? Video Dial Tone?

没有拨号音。There is no dial tone.

我听不到拨号音。I can't get a dial tone.

听到拨号音了吗?Did you hear a dial tone?

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有紧急情况请拨110。In emergency, just dial 110.

视频拨号音服务?。VDTS? Video Dial Tone Services?

要问什么事,请拨114。Please dial 114 for information.

号码就在拨号盘上。The phone number is on the dial.

我们也快听不到电话的拨号音了。We're losing the dial tone, too.

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白色颜色真正珐琅拨号盘。White color genuine enamel dial.

客房服务请拨810分机。Please dial 810 for room service.

请在你的号码前加拨9。Please dial 9 before your number.

你现在可以直拨巴黎了。You can now dial direct to Paris.

我开始拨号,但后来挂断了电话。I started to dial but then hung up.

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如果有紧急情况的话,请拨120。If there is an emergency, dial 120.

你能读出刻度盘上的读数吗?Can you read the number on the dial?

然后再拨台湾的区码。Then you dial Taiwan's country code.