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在线仿真器。查阅仿真器。In-Circuit Emulator. See emulator.

这意味着要启动仿真器。That means starting up the emulator.

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这是第C64型模拟器任何移动电话。That was the first C64 emulator for any mobile phone.

测试系统的前端是一个多进程程序。The remote terminal emulator is a multi-process program.

安装程序在设备或模拟器上执行复制和安装。The installation copies and installs to the device or emulator.

这就陷入了模拟器中的一个特别错综复杂的逻辑中。This gets into an especially tricky bit of logic in the emulator.

基于内核的模拟器可以捕捉到到达它的系统调用。A kernel-based emulator traps the system calls when they reach it.

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因此,我们设计并实现了一种面向计算机网络行为的仿真器NBE。So we design and realize a network behavior oriented emulator NBE.

修改魔剑才能连接到仿真器客户端文件。Modify the Shadowbane client files in order to connect to the emulator.

目前,只有这样才能捕捉截图通过涡喷7的模拟器。Currently, the only way to capture screenshots is through the WP7 emulator.

如果发生错误,则始终可以再添加模拟器,并重新运行测试。If that happens, you can always add back the emulator and re-run your test.

软件的开发采用W6000开发环境和伟福E6000S仿真器仿真。Software development use W6000 development environment and E6000S emulator.

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尽管如此,对于许多操作仿真器托管有着极大的优势。Still, the advantages of emulator hosting are enormous for many operations.

此外,仿真器提供了来宾机器与主机的真正隔离。In addition, the emulator provides a true isolation of the guest from the host.

注意,该模拟器运行在来自Oracle的虚拟产品VirtualBox上。As a side note, the emulator runs on VirtualBox, a virtualization product from Oracle.

首先打开Konsole或者别的你钟爱的终端,复制并粘贴下面的代码First off open up ‘Konsole’ or your favourite terminal emulator and paste the following

作者自行编写了C语言程序,对FLUENT进行了二次开发。The author writed the C programme unaided, it's a second exploitation to the FLUENT emulator.

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终端模拟器是我们这里要用的,是你运行的GUI中封装的CLI序。A terminal emulator is what we'll be using here. This is a CLI wrapped within your running GUI.

既可用模拟器下的原有编译器,也可用主机上的跨编译器。You may use either a native compiler running under the emulator or a cross-compiler on your host.

将我们在这里开发的应用程序部署到实际设备之前,我们可以先在仿真器上对它进行测试。We can test the application we develop here on an emulator before deploying it to an actual device.