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她曾通过电击疗法和各种药物进行治疗。She was treated with electroshock therapy and medication.

阐述了间接触电形成的过程及其原理。The forming process and principle of indirect electroshock are expounded.

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非药物治疗则包括心理疗法及电疗法。Nonpharmacological treatments include psychotherapy and electroshock therapy.

第二天,他飞往梅奥诊所,接受第二个疗程的电休克治疗。The next day he flew to the Mayo clinic for his second course of electroshock.

他开始失掉对现实的掌控,去梅奥诊所接受电休克治疗。He started losing his grip on reality, and he went to the Mayo Clinic for electroshock therapy.

一般来说,VT和VF是致命的心脏病,但可以通过及时电击疗法来治疗。VT and VF are fatal arrhythmia for patients, but timely electroshock is a good remedy for them.

我对晚上的打呼声感觉糟糕透了,于是主动尝试电击疗法的装置,治疗打呼。I feel badly enough about the nasal night songs that I volunteered to test this electroshock snore stopping device.

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LSD以及电击疗法被大量的用在了无提防的市民身上,这仅是这个难以置信的节目的一部分。LSD and electroshock therapy in huge doses given to unsuspecting citizens are only a part of this unbelievable program.

电击治疗法在争议中被用来给青少年戒网。在那个诊所里,病人们将获得“重生”Electroshock therapy is being administered to youngsters at a controversial Internet addiction clinic where patients are " reborn ".

这个指导原则只把心理学方法如认知-行为疗法排在第三位,仅排在电击疗法的后面。The guidelines don't mention psychological approaches like cognitive-behavioral therapy until No. 3, just after electroshock therapy.

“电休克疗法”这一术语可能使人们想起过去的恐怖故事而感到惊恐,但当今的治疗过程比过去更加文明、更加温和。The term "electroshock" may alarm people who recall horror stories from the past, but today's procedure is much more refined and milder than it once was.

1973年,马萨诸塞联邦制定了规章,规定在电击治疗进行之前,需要志愿病人写书面同意的通知。In 1973, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts enacted regulations which would require informed written consent from voluntary patients before electroshock treatment could be performed.