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他们的鲁莽和不讲道德令我们恶心。Their abruptness and improbability made us sick.

以及这是没有突破性事件是不大可能发生的。And improbability without breaking out of realm of possibilities.

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他们一致同意的是,他们的胜利不可阻挡。What all agree on, however, is the improbability of their victory.

这种说明无法确定,除非不大可能发生的事件的有关证明。Such narratives cannot be identified, unless the improbability of the events occurring as related be shown.

我从来不理解,为什么那些能够相信上帝创造如此无限可能的人,却觉得魔鬼是不可思议呢?I have never understood why people who can swallow the enormous improbability of a personal God boggle at a personal Devil.

由于中国经济不可能发生硬着陆,人们对其经济的情绪波动很难理解。Given the improbability of a hard landing in China, the swings of sentiment towards its economy are difficult to understand.

概率,也只有概率,是用来解释为什麽不大可能发生的灾难发生了。Probabilities serve only and exclusively to determine the degree of improbability of the catastrophes that actually take place.

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希腊人最先利用了它的天险,陶尓迷似乎是筑在900英尺高的拱璧上,大多数街道都有台阶,每个地方走到头都是裂口。The Greeks were the first to make a virtue of its improbability. Taormina looks as though it is mounted on a buttress, 900ft high.

我们的想象力能够察觉宇宙的宽广,地球的广袤,以及我们自身存在的巨大不合理。Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence.

先不说这件事发生的可能性是多么小,子弹干燥,炽热的表面就难以使精子生存。Aside from the improbability of such an even occurring, the dry, hot surface of the musket ball would hardly be a hospitable vector for sperm.

这个交互作用极低的发生率和极弱的强度,将因极大量的粒子数目而抵消掉,毕竟,银河系被认为是由暗物质所支配。The improbability and feebleness of the interaction are offset by the sheer number of particles. After all, dark matter is thought to dominate the galaxy.

我们会联想到宇宙的广袤、大地的无垠,以及自身得以存在的渺茫几率,然后,自叹卑微却又受宠若惊。Our imaginations become aware of the vast distance of space, the immensity of the earth and the huge improbability of our own existence. We feel small but privileged.