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朝鲜人发癫了?他们的领导人是个变态?Are North Koreans nuts? Is their leader a certifiable wacko?

转基因动物来源肥料不可被认证。Manure from genetically modified animals is not certifiable.

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周末还去图书馆?你真是一个无可救药的书呆子。Go to the library on weekends? You are a certifiable bookworm.

在某些情况下,评估可能显示产品不能被认证。In some cases, the assessment may show that the product is not certifiable.

如果你认为我想和你去的话,那你就是疯了。我不喜欢那个乐队,你是知道的。You're certifiable if you think I'll go with you. I hate that band and you know it.

这两个理由是一个医学上能够证明的疾病或者学生的直系亲属身亡。Those were a medically certifiable illness or a death in the student's immediate family.

如果田间包装是终包装产品并且是加工中的最后一道工序,只有在这种情况下田间包装的产品才可认证。Packing on field is certifiable only if it concerns final packing and last human contact during the process.

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已被证明SADS是致死的原因,作者认为应该加强对其他家庭成员的自动筛选。SADS should be a certifiable cause of death, which should prompt automatic screening of other family members, they contend.

在北达科他州的西北角与加拿大的交界处有个封闭的地区,是唯一认证的地区。Isolated areas in the northwestern corner of North Dakota and Upper Frontier of Canada are to date the only ranges of certifiable land.

最后提出从审查证据的合法性、客观性、充分性、证明性及非法证据的排除等方面,作为海关执法行为采用证据的审查标准。Third, this paper gives standard in reviewing of evidence in customs law enforcement, this is, legality, objectivity, adequacy, certifiable and the exclusion of illegal evidence, etc.