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这时她开始在我肩胛骨处上下移动这个器物。Then she started moving the thing up and down the scapula.

翼状肩胛在临床上实不多见,且常常被忽略。Winging scapula is uncommon clinically and easily ignored.

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肩胛骨较理想的供骨部位是外侧缘。To provide bones, lateral border of scapula is the ideal area.

手臂会试着尽可能多的承担重量----然后肩胛骨会被迫承担其余的重量。Much weight as possible- then the scapula be forced to take up the rest.

为了增加肩关节的运动范围,就必须先要治疗肩胛骨。To increase the shoulder range of motion, one must treat the scapula first.

因为经常坐在电脑前工作,我们肩胛附近的肌肉已经损伤。Due to heavy work load in front of the computer I've hurt a muscle near the scapula.

确定为外伤后斜方肌失用性萎缩所致翼状肩胛。Winging scapula secondary to traumatic trapezius muscle disuse atrophy was diagnosed.

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上臂骨与肩胛骨长度基本一致,并呈90度角。Upper arm and scapula are approximately equal in length and form an angle of 90 degrees.

疼痛通过第七肋间神经而放射到右肩胛的尖端。The pain usually radiates to the tip of the right scapula via the seventh intercostal nerve.

目的探讨肩胛骨腹侧骨软骨瘤背侧手术入路的方法。Objective To evaluate the dorsal approach to osteochondroma on the ventral surface of the scapula.

要学会在与专家意见肩胛按摩肩胛骨在这免费按摩视频剪辑顶部。Learn the top of the scapula with expert advice on scapula massage in this free massage video clip.

有三个连接肩胛骨和上膊骨的肌始和一个连接尺骨的肌止。Attached with three tendons of origin in the scapula and humerus and a tendon of insertion on the ulna.

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了解如何热身的肩胛骨在这免费按摩按摩视频剪辑与专家意见的肌肉。Learn how to warm up the muscles with expert advice on scapula massage in this free massage video clip.

有些心脏病患者讲,有时还会突然产生一强烈的沮丧感,或者感到肩胛骨下部疼痛。Some heart-attack victims describe a sudden, overwhelming sense of doom or feel pain under their scapula.

但外伤造成单纯斜方肌失用性萎缩而导致翼状肩胛更为罕见,但预后甚佳。Winging scapula due to disuse atrophy of the traumatic trapezius muscle is rare, but the prognosis is good.

这应该是陪同下,肩胛骨收缩的同时,或挤压你的肩胛骨在一起。This should be accompanied, simultaneously with scapula retraction, or squeezing your shoulder blades together.

经积极之复健治疗后,病患之肩关节活动大为改善,翼状肩胛的情形也消失。After aggressive rehabilitation, the ROM of the left shoulder was much improved and the winging scapula also disappeared.

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目的探讨肩胛颈骨折合并腋血管损伤的诊断、显微外科治疗及临床效果。Objective To investigate the clinical diagnosis and microsurgical treatment of neck of scapula fracture with vascular trauma.

进一步了解有关与按摩,按摩专家建议,在此肩胛骨免费按摩视频剪辑迫切沿肩胛骨。Learn about massaging and pressing along the scapula about with expert advice on scapula massage in this free massage video clip.

一位27岁女性被诊断为因肩胛骨下骨性软骨瘤所造成之伪性翼状肩胛骨成功地接受手术切除。A 27-year-old female with a pseudowinging of the scapula secondary to subscapular osteochondroma was surgically successfully treated.