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他拂去了头发上的蜘蛛丝。He brushed a cobweb out of his hair.

它们躺在透明的蜘蛛网里。They lies on the transparent cobweb.

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蛛网上的甘露光彩轻盈。Manna in cobweb lusters with lightness.

蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫。The spider can catch insects by cobweb.

我要把你在我的道路上所结下的蜘蛛网计划都扫掉。I sweep your cobweb projects from my path.

蛛网假装捕捉露珠,却捕捉苍蝇。The cobweb pretend to catch dewdrops and catch flies.

蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇。The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catch flies.

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蛛网假装要擒住露珠,却逮住了苍蝇。The cobweb pretends to catch dewdrops and catches flies.

巨型蜘蛛网可能是由群居的蜘蛛共同织造成。The web may be a combined effort of social cobweb spiders.

提出时标下的蛛网模型,讨论模型的几种特殊珠情况。Cobweb models on times scales are established and discussed.

角质蛋白构成毛发、指甲、羽毛、蚕丝及蛛网。Keratoprotein constitutes hair, nail, feather, silk and cobweb.

那是一件精致的、丝绸手工制作的内衣,边上点缀着网状的花边。It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace.

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有一只蜘蛛在我床头上结了一张网,然后伏在那里守候了近一个月。I had one who made a cobweb above my bed and stood guard for almost a month.

走开,不要脸的坏蜘蛛!在我干净漂亮的房子里到处留下蜘蛛丝。GO away, you bold bad spider! Leaving ends of cobweb all over my nice clean house!

微量元素比值蛛网图模式曲线均呈微向右倾斜的多峰多谷曲线。The model curves of trace element ratio in cobweb map were all multi peak inclining gently to the right.

系统地研究了高温蜘蛛网龟裂效应革涂饰方法。The method of finishing of the cobweb cracked effect leather in the condition high temperature was studied.

这种避孕在当时被描述为“对抗愉悦的盔甲,对抗感染的保护网”。This type of condom was described at the time as "an armour against pleasure, and a cobweb against infection".

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一个恋爱中的人,可以踏在随风飘荡的蛛网上而不会跌下,幻妄的幸福使他的灵魂飘然轻举。A love of people, can set foot in the drifting cobweb without falling, no magic his soul floated with happiness.

万圣节早上当然要来一个简单易做的橙色南瓜烤煎饼,再把棕色糖浆做一个蜘蛛网放在上面。On Halloween morning, why not try the easy-to-make orange pumpkin pancakes laced with black cinnamon syrup cobweb.

你更愿意仔细观察复杂的魔法图案,蜘蛛网的细线,还是钟楼的齿轮?Would you rather pore over the intricate patterns of a magic scroll, the strands of a cobweb or the gears of a clock tower?