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再说一遍,我们没有在原则上妥协。Again, without compromising on principle, " he said.

他对这个问题采取了妥协的态度。He took up a compromising attitude towards the question.

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一个追逐梦想但又向生活妥协的过程,这就是我们的现实。Life is a process of consistantly pursuing dreams and compromising.

恒顺众生亦不失原则,就是智慧的显现。To be agreeable without compromising our principle is a sign of wisdom.

对于影之鹰来说,你的位置是无可替代的。At Shadow Hawk Vehicles we do not believe in compromising your position.

那么,你该如何书写恰当的关键词以保证不影响可读性呢?But how do you write keyword-rich copy without compromising readability?

大量的说情信件落入了调查人之手。A large number of compromising letters fell into the hands of investigators.

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对喜欢妥协的从政者来说,『中间落墨』是一条必要追随的神圣路线。The "middle-of-the-road" is the sacred path followed by compromising politicians.

但是仍有不少人的包皮可能会危害到他们的自身健康。But that’s still a lot of people whose foreskins may be compromising their health.

他们指责李明博总统在国家主权和公众安全问题上作出妥协。They accuse President Lee of compromising of South Korean sovereignty and public safety.

如果你认为认为提高你的厨艺是必须以你的健康为代价的,那么三思。And if you think improving your cooking has to mean compromising your health, think again.

科罗姆总统对我说,这段录像“让副总统如坐火山口。”President Colom told me that the video “put the Vice-President in a compromising position.

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调和中西、折中新旧,是东方文化派中西文化观的基本特征。Consonance and compromising were basic characteristics of thought of Orient Culture School.

科罗姆总统对我说,这段录像“让副总统如坐火山口。”President Colom told me that the video “put the Vice-President in a compromising position.”

法拉利雨天的表现对于车队争夺冠军造成多大的阻碍?Q. How much is Ferrari's wet-weather performance compromising the team's championship hopes?

这样改动之后,我们就可以部署UDP同时后端性能不打折。With this change, we were able to deploy UDP without compromising performance on the backend.

坚定忠信于神的人不向诱人或妥协的景况低头。A person firmly committed to faith in God does not bow to tempting or compromising situations.

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公司的工程师与供应商合作在保证质量的前提下尽可能地节约成本。Its engineers collaborated with suppliers to extract cost-savings without compromising quality.

她在独立影片和大制作影片中寻求平衡,几乎从未埋没过她的天生丽质。She’s balanced indie flicks with big budget actioners, almost never compromising her raw talent.

如果你想在质量上不打折扣的完成任务,那么单一的任务工作更有效。Uni-tasking is far more effective if you want to get things done without compromising on quality.