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雷诺E0Renault E0

你和弗拉维奥谈过这次转会吗?Who should replace you at Renault?

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在蒙扎,雷诺使用了一套新的基于之前版本而改进前翼总成。In Monza, Renault have been running a new front wing.

雷诺拒绝就德蒙布里亚尔的说法置评。Renault declined to comment on Mr. de Montbrial's statement.

福特或者雷诺车可以作为宠物,丰田车则永远是工具。A Ford or a Renault can be apet. A Toyota is always an appliance.

他保持自己的车平行驾驶不让那雷诺车有出去的路。He kept his car parallel and did not allow the Renault a way out.

雷诺老大弗拉维奥'不理亚托雷是一个稀罕成功的老爷们。Renault team principal Flavio Briatore is a man who loves success.

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费斯切拉,为雷诺取得了1分11秒920的成绩。That was Giancarlo Fisichella, who managed 1m 11.920s for Renault.

但是这位意大利车手相信雷诺车队会在雪邦赛道重振雄风。But the Italian believes Renault will be in better shape at Sepang.

我们可以看到汽车生产商标志和日产打算在摩洛哥建厂。Look at the car factory Renault and Nissan are planning in Morocco.

CNN的吉姆·比特曼报道雷诺间谍案继续发酵,这场经济情报战近况如何?CNN's Jim Bittermann reports on an alleged "spy" scandal at Renault.

而马诺车队已经任命了前雷诺首席测试工程师斯尔克。Manor has appointed Christian Silk, formerly chief test engineer at Renault.

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主要产品有雷诺牌轿车、公务用车和运动车等。The main products are the Renault brand cars, official cars and sports cars.

萨科齐总统是在雷诺汽车公司一个主要汽车厂的所在地杜埃市发表这个讲话的。French president spoke in Douai, which is home to a major Renault car factory.

蒂姆在GP2系列赛中汲取经验,塞巴斯蒂安在雷诺方程式中积累经验。Timo does so in the GP2 Series, and Sebastian contests the Renault World Series.

萨科齐总统是在雷诺汽车公司一个主要汽车厂的所在地杜埃市发表这个讲话的。The French president spoke in Douai, which is home to a major Renault car factory.

但布里亚托利的选择则是制造混乱,这样就给雷诺制造了更大的压力。Briatore chose instead to create a fuss and so generate more bad press for Renault.

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雷诺出席寄宿学校在布里斯托尔,然后前往牛津大学学习英语。Renault attended boarding school in Bristol and then went to Oxford to study English.

那你感觉到在车手能力及雷诺引擎的不同了么?Q. But could you feel a difference in the driveability and power of the Renault engine?

1898年,路易斯·雷诺三兄弟在法国比仰古创建雷诺汽车公司。In 1898, Louis Renault in France, three brothers Yang ancient than the creation Renault.