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玻璃盖片的厚度仅0.1毫米左右。The product is only 0.1 millimeter thick.

一毫米是一米的千分之一。A millimeter is one-thousandth of a meter.

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我看了看地图,又查了一下里程表。I looked at the map and then at the millimeter.

一微米是一毫米的千分之一。A micrometer is one thousandth of one millimeter.

我们在这方面不会产生1,2毫米的误差We don't make 1.2 millimeter errors building mirrors.

彼利的新神经回路大约每天生长一毫米。Billy's newly re-wired nerve grows about one millimeter a day.

就是那个你放在抽屉里的8毫米老式摄影机。That old, wind-up 8 millimeter camera that was in your drawer?

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这个缝隙大约只有0.1微米那么宽The gap could be about one ten-thousandths of a millimeter wide.

观察到了毫米波自由电子激光器的调谐特性。The tunability of millimeter wave free electron laser was observed.

美国现在在19个机场中分布有40个毫米波长的扫描仪。The United States has 40 millimeter wave scanners now in use in 19 U.

在卡车后面有一只12.7毫米口径的速射机关枪。In the back of the truck was a 12.7 millimeter rapid-fire machine gun.

事实上,一平方毫米的大脑皮层上有10万多个神经元。In fact, one square millimeter of cortex has more than 100,000 neurons.

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除非另有注明,本图采用毫米为长度单位。Millimeter is used as length unit in this drawing unless otherwise noted.

米、厘米、毫米是用来丈量长度的单位。大型。Meter. centimeter a new goodd millimeter units used to meas beingure length.

它使用的材料是0.4毫米的不锈钢弹簧钢,粉末涂层。It used materials is 0.4 millimeter stainless steel spring steel of powder coatings.

这只螨只有一毫米的不到千分之二,直逼这种技术的尺度极限。At less than two-tenths of a millimeter long, the mite pushed the limits of the method.

“纳米”基本上是毫米的百万分之一。-那么,一纳米到底有多小呢?Nano" is basically one millionth of a millimeter. -So, just how small is a nano meter?"

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为了得到大的毫米波功率源,人们提出了功率合成技术。To obtain higher power output, power synthesis technology is adopted in millimeter wave.

这个工人蚂蚁排骨叶成小木块这一毫米的长度。This worker ant chops the leaf into smaller pieces that are about a millimeter in length.

本文着重讨论了采用“双环”和“单环”方案,获得的毫米波锁相稳频源的频率短期稳定度。A double-loop and a single-loop version of millimeter wave phaSe-locked sources are described.