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为什么省略它们?Why omit them?

不要忘带相机。And don’t omit a camera.

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你可以省略的最大参数。You can omit the max parameter.

因此您可以省略这个模式位置。So you can omit the schema location.

您可以省略这一格式信息。You can omit this format information.

首先,我们省略一些无关紧要的功能。First, we omit some inessential features.

回到我的琐屑之中,忙碌着,这是我无以省略的。Back to my trivial, busy, this is me to omit.

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写电报稿要省去不必要的字。In writing telegrams, omit superfluous words.

我们现在把各矩阵元素上的一撇略去。We now omit the prime on the matrix elements.

不要忽略感官细节,注意生动性。Don't omit sensory details and a bit of color.

如果省略了文件名,则显示文档。If you omit the file name, the document is displayed.

通过这种方法,它可以省略元素的结束标签。By doing this, it can omit the closing tag of an element.

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省去可疑的段落,从剽窃的边缘上抽身而退。Omit the questionable passage and draw back from the edge.

在元宵节,你当然不可以错过元宵啦。For the Lantern Festival, you should never omit the Yuanxiao.

也许那一串省略的符号是无止境的,烦恼,悲哀?That may omit a string of symbols is endless, worry, sadness?

当一个人提请图表手动,有人可能会省略了一些隐藏的议程。When one draws charts manually, one may omit some hidden agendas.

你可以在方法主体只有一个表达式的时候省略大括号。You can omit the braces if the method body has just one expression.

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宾说,省略从表中的主要不遗漏这一点。Zongbin that omit from the table from the main not omitted from that.

品味虽贵,必不敢省物力。Savors although is expensive, must not dare to omit physical resource.

但据说,日本政府不愿意对此事略而不提。But the Japanese government is said to be unwilling to omit its mention.