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这是贝洛的特殊性。This is Bello's speciality.

请尝尝这个本地名菜。Please try this local speciality.

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我要做我的拿手菜。I want to cook my speciality dish.

蘑菇是这里的特色菜。The mushroom is a speciality here.

她们走进了一家专卖店。They step into a speciality store.

炖鸡是妈妈的拿手菜。Fried chicken is Mother's speciality.

这是我从中国带来的土特产。Here is a local speciality from China.

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当然,这不只是中国人的特性。Of course, it's not just a Chinese speciality.

木雕是这个村的特殊工艺品。Wood-carvings are a speciality of this village.

因为它给伦敦增加了一点特别之处。because it adds a little bit of speciality to London.

介绍了藕丝纤维的性能特征。Performance speciality of lotus root fiber is analyzed.

我建议来一份烤牛肉。这是这里的风味名菜。I can recommend the roast beef. It is a speciality here.

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贵店的特色菜?听起来不错,其他的特色菜是什么?Your speciality? That's sounds good, What are the others?

潮州风味小吃是本餐厅的一大特色。Caozhou-flavor snacks are a speciality of our dining hall.

鱼馅饼是非家餐馆的名菜。Fish baked in pastry is the speciality of this restaurant.

素描是美术专业的基础课程之一。Sketch is the one of basic courses of fine arts speciality.

精制巧克力奶油蛋糕是蒙特玛特勒咖啡馆的特色食品。Chocolate gateau was a speciality of the cafe de montmartre.

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厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。The chef's speciality is shrimps with crispy fried rice crust.

介绍了新型纤维材料的性能特征。Property speciality of new type fiber materials were introduced.

他的专长是案例研究??把大家组成一个个辛迪加.。His speciality is case-studies?he organizes people into syndicates.