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你去哪里,迪克?Where to Dick?

迪克被开除了。Dick was dismissed.

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迪克·卢格在哪里?Where is Dick Lugar?

我是狄克。叫我狄克。I'm Dick.Call me Dick.

我叫迪克·布朗。My name is Dick Brown.

狄克故意在找别人的麻烦。Dick is being difficult.

吉姆轻而易举地击败了迪克。Jim worsted Dick easily.

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一个叫狄克的人要求见你。Dick is asking to see you.

迪克把这只猫叫做“小毛”。Dick named the cat Mouser.

迪克·切尼最近怎么样了?How about that Dick Cheney?

弗莱德比迪克高得多。Fred is much tall than dick.

迪克是个勤奋的学生。Dick is a hard-working student.

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这位裁缝师为迪克做了一套西装。The tailor made a suit for Dick.

迪克受到全家的宠爱。Dick is babied by all the family.

我是优达因的迪克·理查。This is Dick Richards from Yoyodyne.

牧羊人狄克对著指甲吹气。And Dick the shepherd blows his nail.

在公司里,狄克的地位比汤姆高。In the company, Dick ranks above Tom.

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迪克在水里浮沉这大喊。Dick shouted, up and down in the river.

我想迪克在那打乒乓球。I think Dick is playing pingpong there.

那个贼被旅店的巡察职员抓住了。The thief was caught by the hotel dick.