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嗳呀!真的吗!Really now!

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是啊,真的。Yes, really.

实际上,他只有91岁。He's really 91.

我真会的!I really should.

我真的是都听不懂了。I'm really lost.

真的,你能行。You really will.

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他真可爱。He's really cute.

他长得真难看。He's really ugly.

做得我大汗淋漓。I really sweated.

我真是精疲力尽了。I'm really tired.

你确定?,-嗯。Oh really? -Uhmm.

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我真是要嫉妒你了!I really envy you!

我真得很想它。I really miss her.

真的好想你。I really miss you.

真是那样的吗?Is that really so?

这得视情况而定。It depends really.

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真的假的?照片?Really? A picture?

真的假的?现在吗?Really? Right now?

真的么?很好么?Really? That well?