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我原来一直想的是投资赛马。I had been thinking about a racehorse.

一一是一只赛马,二二也是一只赛马。One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too.

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赛马从起跑门外起跑。The racehorse got away from the starting gate.

一匹冠军马雕塑被偷之谜已经真相大白。The mystery of a stolen champion racehorse statue is solved.

Rose女士建议我们将耗费在焦虑上的精力看做失去控制的赛马。A. Ms. Rose suggests thinking of that energy as a racehorse running wild.

世界上最好的赛马一定需要最好的骑马师在刻意赢得比赛。The greatest racehorse in the world still needs a great jockey to a win a race.

你不能把一头驴放在飞机上,然后指望它们下飞机之后就能像赛马一般健步如飞,但我们还是在尝试着这么做。You can’t put a jackass on a plane and expect it to get off as a racehorse. But try we will.

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一一是一只赛马。二二也是。当一一赢了一场比赛,二二也赢了一场。One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.

一一是一只赛马,二二也是一只赛马。当一一嬴了一场比赛,二二也嬴一场比赛。One-One was a racehorse. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one race, Two-Two won one, too.

他也在想,为什么西蒙认为他的妈妈了解这件关于赛马纠纷的事。He wondered, too, just what it was that Simon thought his mother understood about the racehorse argument.

纽约1名64年前瞎了右眼的男子,被1匹赛马用头顶撞后,视力又恢复了。A New York man, blinded in his right eye 64 years ago, can see again after being headbutted by a racehorse.

一九九九年,叶楚航完成了由香港赛马会提供的竞赛马匹管理证书课程,成绩优良。In 1999, Mr Yip satisfactorily completed the Certificate in Racehorse Management offered by the Hong Kong Jockey Club.

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房地产巨头巴特额尔德尼·卡巴松正在那达慕大会前指导他的赛马师。那达慕大会是首都城外一年一度的盛会。Real estate magnate Bat-Erdene Khadbaasan instructs his racehorse trainer before Naadam, an annual festival outside the capital.

为了准备下次比赛,一匹1000磅的赛马被赶下海后游过马耳他海岸。A 1,000-pound racehorse swims off the coast of Malta after being taken into the sea for exercise in preparation for the next race.

两个兰金“男孩”只差两岁,曾经亲密无间,但后来为了从他们独身的父亲那里继承一匹赛马而争吵。The Rankin "boys", only two years apart in age, had once been inseparable, but had fallen out over a racehorse they had inherited from their widower father.

Ks在芝加哥哥伦比亚艺术学院完成学业并获得了艺术、设计与社会学的学士学位。ks finished school at Columbia Art School in Chicago with a degree in art and design and an emphasis on sociological studies. ks is a racehorse when it comes to what she wants to do in life.