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这些是饥饿线吗?Are these Starvation Lines?

他们渴死或饿死。They died of thirst or starvation.

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饥饿在威胁着他们的生命。The starvation hangs over their lives.

野果子让我们不会饿死。Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation.

高锌日粮法的效果优于饥饿法。High zinc method is better than starvation method.

每天都有索马里的孩子被饿死。Somalian Children are dying everyday from starvation.

超过了饥饿线的最低线,饿晕过去了。He reached the starvation line and fainted due to hunger.

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他一生致力于使世界摆脱挨饿。He devoted all his life to ridding the world of starvation.

但这是不真确的有饥饿,在农村地区。It is not true that there is starvation in the rural areas.

这些民众面临增加的饥饿和疾病危险。These people face increased risk of starvation and disease.

这会导致设备缺油,发动机会发生早期故障。This can result in oil starvation and early engine failure.

除了500人之外,其它人都死在那儿,主要是死于饥饿。All but 500 of them would perish there, mostly of starvation.

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经过了赤贫之后,我们开始了幸福的生活。Having survived starvation , we're beginning to live happily.

我觉得饥饿使穷人无缘接触到赛车和芭比娃娃。I think starvation takes priority over hotwheels and barbies.

那人吃东西的那副馋相使人相信他说的险些要饿死的话是真的。The way the man ate lent colour to his story of near starvation.

到那时,将不再有全球性的战争,不再有众多的人挨饿。And in that time, there will be no global war, no mass starvation.

我觉得许多人认为痛苦就是可怕的饥饿和贫困。I think many people think suffering is dire starvation or poverty.

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甚至在一些严苛时刻,人们也可以食用树叶充饥。In emergencies, people too can eat the leaves to avoid starvation.

这么说来,很有可能一个人在饿死的时候还是很胖。So it is possible that a person could die of starvation and still be fat.

实际上,他们的饥饿问题比黑非洲还严重。In fact, their starvation figures are generally worse than Black Africa's.