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北方的需求并没有减轻。The demands of the north will not abate.

我们必须在我们大城市中消除噪音。We must abate the noise in our big cities.

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另外一个意外缺席的是阿巴特。Another unexpected absence is that of Abate.

奥多和阿巴特都可能出现在右后卫位置。Either Oddo or Abate will play at right-back.

门将则在维奇和阿巴特教练的带领下单独训练。The goalies trained apart under Vecchi and Abate.

我们主意用小容器包装这批货。We apostle application abate alembic to pack the goods.

我们错过了一个,阿巴特也非常接近得分。We miss it and also for Abate who today went very close too.

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在这个阶段,大呼小叫和装腔作势都将减少。In this phase, the shouts and histrionics will abate somewhat.

阿巴特已经从伤病中恢复,而奥多在最近的比赛里都表现不错。Abate has recovered, while Oddo has done well in recent matches.

当然,如果金融恐慌不能很快平息的话,情况有可能发生变化。Of course, that could change if the financial panic doesn't abate soon.

所有人都对于阿巴特和弗拉米尼的缺阵感到惊讶。Today there have been surprises like the absences of Abate and Flamini.

一般性登革出血热病例的所有体征和症状随高热消退而减轻。In moderate DHF cases, all signs and symptoms abate after the fever subsides.

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守门员们单独和教练维奇和阿巴特训练。The keepers worked apart with their coaches Villiam Vecchi and Beniamino Abate.

出生于墨西哥的卡门·卡罗拉嫁给了一个名叫爱米尔·阿贝托的意大利裔美国人。Mexican-born Carmen Carrera is married to an American of Italian descent, Emil Abate.

目的探索巢式PCR非特异性扩增的产生原因及消除方法。Objective To find the reason of causing nonspecific amplication in nested PCR and abate it.

2008年的出生率也出现类似幅度下降,而这一年正是本轮经济危机开始的年份。That followed a similar decline in 2008, the start of the economic downturn that has yet to abate.

阿巴特和奥多都踢得很好,后者打得是不熟悉位置。I must give my compliments to everyone. Abate did well as did Oddo who played in an unusual position.

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目的探讨减轻蒽环类化疗药物在治疗过程中所致局部不良反应的护理方法。Objective To probe the nursing method, abate the local side reaction of chemotherapy with doxorubicin.

证据理论和模糊积分融合方法可以减少决策过程中的不确定性,大大的提高了决策的精度。The evidence theory and fuzzy integral can abate the incertitude and improve the accuracy of decision.

在老年期,随着机体的一般衰老,中枢神经系统亦日益减弱。InSenilePeriod, as the general consenescence of airframe, central nervous system also increasingly abate.