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他是个好吃懒做之徒。He is a gluttonous and lazy guy.

我从来没遇到过河他一样贪吃的人。I've never met a man as gluttonous as him.

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吃得过多的女人和她们嘴馋的丈夫。Over-fed women and their gluttonous husbands.

这些像是一个个小馋猫是的孩子们可馋坏了。This is under the greedy gluttonous kids bad.

这些蝾螈非常的贪吃但是它们也是相当有节制的。The newts are very gluttonous but rather dovish!

众所周知猪是很胖,贪吃而且懒懒惰的。Pigs are known for being fat, gluttonous and lazy.

我就是特别喜欢吃,也特别的贪吃。I am specially like eating, also special gluttonous.

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他那个人特别贪吃,从来没有吃半饱的时候。He's so gluttonous that he can never stop eating half full.

我们就像万圣节前夕贪吃的孩子,捧着一大堆的糖果。We're like gluttonous kids on Halloween with a big pile of candy.

瞧,我那贪吃的哥哥又开始油嘴滑舌了。Oh look, there goes my gluttonous older brother smooth-talking again.

尝遍全球美食是饕餮一族的最大心愿。Tasting global cate is the greatest cherished desire of gluttonous gens.

十一月下旬是饕餮假期的开始。THE FACTS Late November marks the start of the gluttonous holiday season.

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结果是,这些投资者最后都分享到了饕餮盛宴。The result is, these investor were shared finally gluttonous fill a banquet.

骨感美人,身无赘肉,不过却贪吃,令人讨厌The Skinny Woman Who Is Beautiful and Toned but Also Gluttonous and Disgusting

鲑鱼蛋白质含量丰富,这些贪吃的美食家不认为节制有益。Salmon are high in protein, and these gluttonous gourmets don't believe in moderation.

吃下这么大一块美味的蛋糕一点问题都没有,因为我过会儿就要去健身房了It's 'okay' for me to eat this gluttonous cake wedge because I'm going to the gym later.

在多年的疯狂购物后,放弃各种购买欲望似乎成了美德,比如把以前丢在一边的东西拿出来用。After years of gluttonous shopping, forgoing our wants feels virtuous, like using up leftovers.

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对刘炜而言,看似理性的外表往往会受到非理性、贪婪、或是情欲阻挠。For him, the rational surface of existence is undermined by irrational, gluttonous erotic urges.

对于爱车者来说,成都车展无疑是一次视觉的饕餮盛宴,让人大呼过瘾。For those who car, Chengdu Motor Show is a gluttonous feast of visual, people are screaming fun.

最生猛的海鲜,在不可错过的海鲜夜排挡等着您饕餮大餐。The most vigorous of seafood not to be missed in seafood stall waiting for you gluttonous feast.