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身体不同部位的皮肤变得高度敏感。The skin on various parts of the body becomes hypersensitive.

虾酱对皮肤是否也会有过敏症状?。Whether can shrimp paste also have hypersensitive state to the skin?

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不要使用在已知的活性物质过敏的动物。Do not use in animals known to be hypersensitive to the active substance.

有些理论认为少了寄生虫的寄生便导致了免疫系统的超敏反应。Some argue that the absence of parasites is leading to hypersensitive immune systems.

涂料综合治疗,探讨激光治疗牙本质过敏症的增效方法。S paints in improving the effectiveness of laser treatment for hypersensitive dentine.

许多研究人员注意到患有自闭症的人好像对景象和声音极为敏感。Many researchers note that people with autism seem hypersensitive to sights and sounds.

Exforge禁用于对缬沙坦或氨氯地平敏感患者。EXFORGE is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to amlodipine or valsartan.

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代文禁用于对该制剂所含任何成分敏感患者。DIOVAN is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to any component of this product.

而沱茶乙酸乙酯洗脱组分具有增加FXR受体敏感性的作用。Pu-er tea possesses a good activation to LXR receptor, and Tuo tea increase hypersensitive of FXR.

在这组权利束中,所有权处于核心地位,因此农村土地产权改革无法绕开这个敏感的问题。So the reform of the rural land property rights institution can not blench the hypersensitive problem.

欧盟在德班会议上已经将另一个敏感话题——京都议定书与之相联系。The EU has linked it to another hypersensitive issue on which Durban could founder, the Kyoto protocol.

同时,他会对性刺激过度敏感,因为他的大脑把性刺激与“缓解”联系在一起。At the same time, they can be hypersensitive to the sexual stimuli their brains associate with “relief.”

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抑制子能一定程度上抑制激发子对烟草叶片过敏性反应的诱导。The suppressors could inhibit the elicitor induction of hypersensitive reaction in tobacco leaves slightly.

本发明公开了一种医用试敏仪的离子导入装置。The present invention discloses one kind of ion introducing device for medical hypersensitive test instrument.

爱情作为私生活的关键部分变得更为敏感,几乎被视为“反动”的同义语,这样的认知使爱情文学了无出路。Love as the key part of private life is became more hypersensitive and almost be seen as same as "counteraction".

他的触觉和嗅觉非常敏感,他的社交能力比较差,经常反复提问和解释一个问题。He was hypersensitive in tactility and smell, and he was inappropriate socially, repeating questions and comments.

食物过敏是人类常见的一种过敏性疾病,主要由食物中的蛋白质引起。IgE-mediated hypersensitive reactions to ingestion of shellfish are among the most serious forms of food allergies.

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由于没有像我们的祖先一样受到肠道蠕虫和寄生虫的感染,我们的免疫系统变得更加敏感。Without being exposed to intestinal worms and parasites, as our ancestors were, our immune systems are hypersensitive.

这个问题可能是纤维肌痛,这种病中的疼痛信号的故障使关节、肌肉和组织过敏。The issue could be fibromyalgia, in which a breakdown of pain signals leaves joints, muscles and tissues hypersensitive.

我们对自己期望过高,而且都对自己做出的选择非常敏感,因而可能产生误解。We expect too much of ourselves. We are all hypersensitive about the choices we have made and there can be misunderstandings.