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新的电视节目预告简直没法看。The new TV program guide is unreadable.

不,我不用Perl——我认为它是一种只适合写不适合读的语言。No, I don't use perl--I consider it an unreadable write-only language.

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不可读的条码与条码技术的真正的问题。Unreadable bar codes are still a real problem with bar-code technology.

矮人会说矮人的语言,对于玩家来说暂时是无法理解的。Dwarf will start out speaking Dwarvish, which is unreadable by the player.

柯瑟琳直视着他的双眼,淡淡的灰色,令人难以捉摸。It was his eyes that Catherine focused on. They were a soft gray, unreadable.

上面的符号从未实际使用过,因为它会使流程模型变得无法阅读。The notation above is never actually used, because it renders a process model unreadable.

毕竟,您可能会输出一大堆整体上无法阅读和不可理解的数据。After all, you could output a mound of data that remains totally unreadable and unsearchable.

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对于一个敏感信息,入侵者获得却不能解读这些加过密的数据。For sensitive information, data encryption renders captured packets unreadable to an intruder.

“牢不可破的誓言?”斯内普脸上的表情变得不可捉摸了,贝拉特里克斯发出一串得意的笑声。Snape's expression was blank, unreadable. Bellatrix, however, let out a cackle of triumphant laughter.

如果输入的是错误密码,那么新棉就无法解开密钥,也就无法读取数据了。Enter the wrong password and the chip won’t enable the encryption keys, so the data remains unreadable.

但是,管理员不能阅读消息,这满足了合规性要求。However, the message will be unreadable to the administrator, which addresseses the compliance requirement.

鄱阳湖岸边的标牌油漆已开始斑驳,上面红色的文字已经无从辨认。PAINT flakes off the signs that dot the shore of Poyang lake, rendering the faded red characters unreadable.

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或者,“卫报更为人知的是其强制的反华宣传和不值一读的新闻”怎么样?Or, what about "the Guardian is better known for its obliging anti-Chinese propaganda and unreadable journalism".

白色底纹浅灰色文本也许让你读着不费力,但对于其他人来说可能根本无法读下去。Light grey text on a white background may look slick to you, but for someone else it may be completely unreadable.

但是,开发这样一个库需要编写大量难以阅读且难以维护的模板。But developing such a library involves writing an inordinate amount of unreadable and unmaintainable template mumbo-jumbo.

现在,如果我们只把这张照片设为背景,那么本文便会无法辨读,而且我们也会破换配色方案。Now, if we just made this image our background, the text would become unreadable and we would be ditching our color scheme.

他们有简单的保护资源的访问,也有使资源对交易无关方不可读。They simply protect access to a resource as well as make a resource unreadable for parties not involved in the interaction.

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数字版权管理技术可以使电子图书在达到一定期限或使用限制后失效。Technology known as digital rights management can make e-books unreadable once they have reached a certain time or user limit.

我会告诉人们怎样自动生成博客吗,尽管内容没人会去读,但能链接到上千个其它站点?Would I tell a friend about the automated blogs that are filled with unreadable content and link out to thousands of other sites?

如果字符集中有一个错误匹配,那么很有可能导致现实了一个无法阅读的随机字符序列。If there is a mismatch in the character set, it will most likely result in a display of random sequences of unreadable characters.