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我的字迹?My handwriting?

他的字迹很难辨认His handwriting was awful.

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你们能看见我写的字吗Can you read my handwriting?

这是莱达的笔迹吗?Is this Lecter's handwriting?

你的字太花了。Your handwriting is too fancy.

我认得出他的笔体。I can identify his handwriting.

这是那刀斧手的笔迹。It is the slasher's handwriting.

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我这笔字拿不出手。My handwriting is not presentable.

大多数字体是向右倾斜的。Most handwriting slants to the right.

大多数的书写字体都向右边倾斜。Most handwriting slants to the right.

这封信是他的手笔。The letter is in his own handwriting.

笔迹学研究人的书法习惯。Graphology is the study of handwriting.

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他的字迹太潦草很难辨认。His handwriting is too spidery to read.

他的字写得很规矩。His handwriting shows care and training.

不好意思,我刚才打错字了。Sorry, I just misspelled my handwriting.

我们无法辨认出他的笔迹。We could nohow make out his handwriting.

他的字迹行家一看就能认出来His handwriting is recognized by experts.

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她写的字从左往右斜。Her handwriting slants from left to right.

他的字体从右向左倾斜。His handwriting slants from right to left.

同学们,我的板书可能不太正确对不对?Boy, my handwriting is atrocious, isn't it?