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那是1958年十月,我在高尔基世界文学研究所求学,正发着高烧。It was October 1958.

而她,卒于十月。She dies in October.

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哥伦布日是在十月。Columbus Day is in October.

到十月份她将满22足岁。She will be22 come October.

我的生日是十月十日。My birthday is October tenth.

今天是2009年十月十日星期一。It's Monday, October 10, 2009.

十月清秋,天空一片湛蓝。October autumn, the sky is blue.

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在十月份他们再次告诉他们。They told them again in October.

有一年十月的一天,他突然仙逝了。He died suddenly one October day.

今天是十月二十六日。It's the twenty-sixth of October.

她是一九六五年十月十日出生的。She was born on October 10, 1965.

俱乐部将于十月开会。The club will convene in October.

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十月第三十一是万圣节。October thirty-first is Halloween.

直到十月份,我才能回来。E. g. I can't be back until October.

今天是2009年十月十日星期一。It's Monday, October the 10th, 2009.

所以,心混乱了,世界就倾斜了。October. at CUC. Turmoil in my heart.

它会在十月三十一日开始。It will start on October thirty-first.

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于是2009年十月就开始了我的博客生涯。October 2009 I began my running career.

到十月份,这里的天气开始转冷。The weather turns cold here in October.

这个星期十月一号是国庆节。This week, October 1th, is National Day.