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疯魔现在立即生效。Madness is now immediate.

肖先生没有立即回答。Shaw made no immediate answer.

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现在需要担负起责任的是莫迪。The immediate onus is on Modi.

祝你马到成功!I wish you an immediate success!

我们苦求您即时付款。We request your immediate payment.

五年内比较现实的目标是什麽?What are your immediate 5yr goals?

伊达马上引起媒体的轰动。Ida was an immediate media sensation.

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眼前闪现的,最后的那一缕白色。Came the immediate end of the Yilv white.

一是这些食物见效快,吸引人。One is that it has more immediate appeal.

这个问题非得马上解决不可。The problem calls for immediate solution.

但钱是最紧迫的问题。But money is often a more immediate problem.

我们嫡系亲属是我们自我的一部分。Our immediate family is a part of ourselves.

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日本核泄漏对中国暂无影响。China faces no immediate threat from leakage.

采取紧急措施来控制危险区。Take immediate action to control danger area.

该报盘以立即接受为限。The offer is subject to immediate acceptance.

“有生命危险吗?”梅森先生喃喃地说。Is there immediate danger? murmured Mr. Mason.

把长远利益放在眼前利益之上。Put long interests before immediate interests.

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条例在刊宪后即时生效。Regulations gazetted in with immediate effect.

这样做,并不会即刻对价格产生影响。This would have no immediate effect on prices.

事实上,对商业的威胁尚属远忧。Commerce is not in fact under immediate threat.