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舌鉴于桥的模型。Lingual view of pontic on model.

语象具有特定的语言形式和系统结构。Lingual image has special lingual form and system structure.

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当然,并非所有美国人都是单语言者。Not all the Americans are among a lingual monolingual , of course.

左下颌中切牙有向舌侧压低和近中移动的趋势。The molar had the tendency of lingual movement and distal tipping movement.

舌侧矫治器由舌侧托槽和其特殊的“蘑菇形”弓丝组成。Lingual appliance includes lingual bracket and special "mushroom shape" arch wire.

目前,相对于唇侧矫治器来说,舌侧矫治器没有特殊的禁忌证。Currently, there are few contraindications for treatment with the lingual appliance.

实验用尼氏染色法对11例胎儿22条舌神经内的神经细胞进行观察。Nissl's staining method was used to observe neurons in 22 lingual nerves of 11 fetuses.

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习语的翻译不仅是语言的翻译,也是文化的翻译。The idiom translation is not only lingual translation but also the cultural translation.

舌侧矫治器的优点是美观、支抗强、易于打开咬合。The advantages of lingual appliance are delight, maximum anchorage and easy to open bite.

主要研究方向为PDS数字化技术和男装语言的TPO规则及应用的理论与实践。Mostly direction is PDS numeral and man dress lingual of TPO applied exoterica and practice.

舌动脉和舌下神经的解剖关系。The anatomic relationship of lingual artery and hypoglossal nerve was observed and measured.

颊肌从颊侧及咽上缩肌从舌侧进入其中。Buccinator fibres enter from the buccal, and superior constrictor fibres enter from the lingual.

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她的牙医说口语水平上不去的原因可能是她的舌系带比一般人的要厚。Her dentist advised that the problem might be coming from her thicker-than-average lingual frenulum.

老舍不仅是杰出的小说家、戏剧家,同时还是蜚声中外的语言艺术大师。Lao She is not only a distinguished novelist, dramatist, but also a world famous master of lingual art.

舌肌的横纹肌发达,味腺只见于舌根部。Transversus linguae of lingual muscles are more developed. The gustatory glands are seen in radix linguae.

在此基础上,构造出了模糊控制器的输入输出语言变量值的隶属度函数和模糊控制规则。So the membership function of input and output lingual variables and control rules are formed in this thesis.

目的采用有限元的方法研究舌侧矫治过程中上颌第一磨牙牙根、牙周膜、牙槽骨应力分布的特点。Objective To observe the stress distribution of maxillary first molar and its periodontium in lingual orthodontics.

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新发现的牙齿牙冠上发育有明显的第二、三副脊,这在鸭嘴龙中是罕见的。Well developed secondary and tertiary ridges on the lingual side of the dentary crowns are unusual in hadrosaurids.

但由于语言结构及文化上的差异,有时又不完全可译,甚至是不可译的。But because of lingual and cultural differences, interlingual translation is sometimes inadequate and even impossible.

中国馆采用是蓄冷系统技术,用我们的话实际上是储热系统。The China pavilion uses the technology called ice storage system and in our lingual is actually thermal storage system.