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制鞋业是有用的行业。Shoemaking is a useful trade.

制鞋是一种有用的、必不可少的行业。Shoemaking is a useful and necessary trade.

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我很幸运,能在伦敦学习传统的英国手工制鞋技艺。I'm lucky that I can learn the crafts of shoemaking in London.

事实上,他曾经一度中断演艺生涯跑去学习制鞋。In fact, he once took a hiatus from acting to study shoemaking.

事实上,他曾经一度中断演艺生涯跑去学习制鞋。In fact, he once took a hiatus from acting to study shoemaking.

鞋楦是制鞋工业中皮鞋款式的基准。Last is the benchmark of shoe style in the shoemaking technology.

目前制鞋CAD技术,已经成为制鞋业信息化的核心部分。Shoe CAD system have been the key part of shoemaking information.

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本文叙述了一种制鞋用的粘合剂的制造方法与实用效果。This paper relates to the manufacture of an adhesive for shoemaking and its effect in practice.

服装行业、鞋业、家纺业、刺绣业、布制玩具业、皮革业、商标业、箱包业等。Garment making, shoemaking , home textiles, embroidery, fabric toys, leather, label, luggage, etc.

鞋楦是制鞋工艺中鞋型款式的基准,是制鞋的基础。Last is the benchmark of shoe style in the shoemaking technology and the foundation of shoemaking.

开发鞋楦CAD系统对提高制楦乃至制鞋业的生产水平和效率具有重要意义。Developing the CAD system of shoe-last can greatly improve the management and efficiency of shoemaking industry.

伊朗制鞋协会还向扎一迪奉送了“终身鞋”,然而扎一迪却在巴格达一所监狱等待着审判。Iran's main shoemaking federation also offered to supply a lifetime of shoes to Zaidi, who remains in a Baghdad jail awaiting trial.

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马里基纳市是菲律宾的“鞋都”,在2002年因制造了世界上最大的一双鞋而进入了吉尼斯纪录。Marikina, the country's shoemaking capital, was recognized by Guinness in 2002 for creating what was then the world's biggest pair of shoes.

制鞋业是我国的一项传统产业,鞋类产量已经连续六年位居世界首位。The Shoemaking industry is a traditional industry in our country. The output of shoes of China is the most in the world during passed six years.

制鞋业是我国的一项传统产业,我国鞋类产量已经连续五年居世界首位。The Shoemaking industry is a traditional industry in our country. The output of shoes of China is the most in the world during passed five years.

在当今国际化大环境下加快制鞋业信息化,才能增强我国制鞋业的国际竞争力。Under global internationalization circumstance, Shoemaking industry should improve informational level so that its efficiency and design level can be increased.

传统的手工制楦的方法制作周期长、精度低,生产效率低,严重地制约了整个制鞋业的发展。The traditional manual method of last making, which is time-consuming, lower precision and inefficient, has become one of the bottles of the shoemaking industry.

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最后,论文对己完成的工作进行了总结,提出了需要进一步改进的工作,并对制鞋CAD系统的发展做了展望。At last, the article summed up work that had been done and brings forward the improving work in the next stage, and presents a view of shoemaking CAD in the future.

论文首先分析了在制鞋业中发展CAD技术的意义,研究了该技术的国内外的发展现状。At first this thesis analyzes the importance of developing CAD technology in shoemaking industry and introduces on the domestic and foreign technology's development status.

由于中国制鞋企业的信息化程度大多不高,造成制鞋企业生产效率低下,设计水平不高,因此在国际市场上难以与发达国家相抗衡。But because of low information level, the efficiency and design level of our shoemaking enterprises are very low, so they can not compete with the enterprises in developed countries.