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暂时解雇不久后,工人们又再度受聘。Workers were re-employed after the layoff.

长期没碰之后,他保龄球打得真差。He was bowling badly after his long layoff.

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维罗妮卡·佩莱格林收到了一封解雇信。Veronica Pellegrin received a layoff notice in the mail.

我没想到他能够自如地移动,我以为这么长时间没有打球,他的球技会生疏。I figured, that long of a layoff in this game? I thought he'd be rusty.

我们公司进行了大裁员,我是其中之一,但却体验到了其中的乐趣。I was part of a big layoff at my former company, which was interesting.

梅威瑟以及他的团队都说,这次休整其实是依照医生的指令进行的。Mayweather and his team say the layoff was just what the doctor ordered.

这是她一年中第二次丢掉饭碗,她觉得自己知道会发生什么。It was her second layoff in a year and she thought she knew what to expect.

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托老表示,穆帅的毅力不会被长期间未上场先发而影响。Torre said his stamina should not be affected even given the long layoff from starting.

我没想到他能够自如地移动,我以为这么长时间没有打球,他的球技会生疏。I did not think he would be able to move. I figured, that long of a layoff in this game?

它就好像每个在洛杉矶的工人意外收到一份临时解雇通知。It’s as if every worker in the city of Los Angeles received an unexpected layoff notice.

当梅威威步入拳台的时候,他已经是16个月没登台打拳了。By the time Mayweather steps in the ring, the boxer will be coming off a 16-month layoff.

但如果打得不好,因脚部手术离开赛场16个月可以算作一个合理的借口。But a 16-month layoff because of foot surgery is a legitimate excuse for not playing well.

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在长时间没有没有运动的情况下,恢复健康是要避免一次做得太多运动的陷阱。Avoid the pitfalls of trying to do too much too soon when you get back in shape after a long layoff.

此次全球经济衰退的一个特症就是全球范围内持续不断的大规模裁员。The global recession has been marked by a steady onslaught of layoff announcements around the world.

乐观的商业行话把任何问题都叫作“挑战”,每一次大裁员都叫作“使规模合理化”。An upbeat business vernacular calls every problem a 'challenge'and every massive layoff ' rightsizing '.

裁员通知于周一在布卢明顿工厂发出,并且有530名工人将离开。Layoff notices were handed out Monday at the Bloomington factory, which will be left with some 530 workers.

可以上网查询新闻报导,深入了解潜在雇主的财务状况和裁员历史。Search the Web for news articles for insight into a potential new employer's financial status and layoff history.

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加利福尼亚州,数千名教师失业。维罗尼卡•佩勒格林就收到了裁员信。In California, thousands of teachers have lost their jobs. Veronica Pellegrin received a layoff notice in the mail.

因此,亚洲也许不能避免那些萦绕在华尔街或伦敦金融人士心头有关裁员的焦虑。Asia, therefore, might not be immune to the layoff worries hanging over the heads of workers on Wall Street or in London.

下岗和失业不仅影响着我国经济的持续发展,而且还影响着我国社会的安定团结。The problem of layoff and unemployment affects not only steady increase in our national economies, but also social order.