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提出一种新的控制策略。A new control stratagem is presented.

眉头一皱,计上心来。Knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind.

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看到自己的计策正在起作用,他很高兴。He is very happy to see his stratagem at work.

他们已经想出了攻击敌人的策略。They have worked out the stratagem to attack the enemy.

司马温公,倒有破瓮救儿之谋。Sima Wengong, pours has the broken jar to rescue the stratagem.

抬头望向天空,队员们不禁计上心来。Looking up into the sky, the players can not help stratagem to mind.

提出养老机构的发展战略。Putted forward the development stratagem of the endowment institution.

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石油是事关经济和社会发展的战略商品。Oil is the stratagem commodity of the development of economy and society.

这一时期的许多谋略方法和思想,成为后世谋略学的源头。Many stratagemical methods and thoughts have become the sources of later stratagem study.

结合校园一卡通的实施,提出了其安全策略与实施方法。Combined with the implementation of campus one card service, the safety stratagem is discussed.

然后运用营销策略理论,研究了北方苏拿镜片的营销策略。Then, under marketing stratagem theory, it has studied the marketing stratagem of Northern SOLA.

话语角色转换是一种语用策略,它透漏出交际者的内在意图。Discourse role switching is a pragmatic stratagem in that it betrays the participant's intention.

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可持续发展战略是中国经济社会发展的根本战略。Sustainable development is fundamentality stratagem of the development of Chinese social economy.

本文利用开发的系统对绥化市城市发展战略进行了评价。Making use of the exploited system, this article evaluates the stratagem of development of Suihua city.

停车战略分区规划,是停车系统规划的首要及关键问题。The zoning planning of parking stratagem is the chief and pivotal problem in planning of parking system.

埃阿基摩一心一意想赢这个赌注,他就使出个策略来欺骗波塞摩斯。The desire iachimo had to win the wager made him now have recourse to a stratagem to impose upon posthumus.

本文以产业集群理论为基础,对益阳产业集群战略进行了初步探讨。Thearticle discuss the stratagem of industry clusters of Hunan on the base of the theory of industry clusters.

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建设社会主义新农村战略的提出和实施,无疑是抓住了和谐社会建设的关键。It is the key to build harmonious social to propose and carry out the stratagem of building social new Country.

你为得到渴望的晋升,所使用的每一个无情的计谋,并没有为你赢得比你对手更多的好感。That you have used every ruthless stratagem to win the much-coveted promotion hasn't endeared you to your rivals.

有一天,汉人军队的军师,刘伯温,想出一个与月饼有关的计谋。One day, the military counselor of the Han people's army, Liu Bowen, thought out a stratagem related to mooncakes.