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最后,有复仇的愤怒。Finally, there is the revengeful anger.

她的自尊心被伤害了,她想报复。Her pride was hurt and she felt revengeful.

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他是个男孩儿的时候,他始终是凶暴的、有仇必报的。When he was a boy he was always violent and revengeful.

事实上,他倒觉得更坏了——他是充满着怨气和仇气了。As a matter of fact he was feeling worse—grim, revengeful.

他们报复心重,对爱情中的背叛和不忠不易原谅。They are very revengeful and slow to forgive infidelity and unfaithfulness in love.

如果你和那些蔑视你,伤害你的人来往,要坚固自己,防备不耐烦,好报复的骄傲。If you converse with those that despise and injure you, strengthen yourself against impatient, revengeful pride.

在已知的蝎子是如此报复的原因是因为天蝎的合作规则在信任和分享冥王星的概念。The reason that Scorpios are known to be so revengeful is because Scorpio co-rules over the trust and sharing concepts with Pluto.

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贝奥武甫是斯坎迪纳维亚的中心英雄,他战胜巨妖格伦德尔,复仇心切的妖母以及一条喷火巨龙。Beowulf is the central Scandinavian hero. He fights against the monster Grendel, his revengeful mother , and a fire-breathing dragon.

竞技场积分赛第24季开始了!玩家现在可以使用竞技场积分在商人那里购买最新的“神圣无情复仇超酷牛逼角斗士”套装了。Season 24 Starts! New Vengeful Merciless Mighty Awesome Cool Radical Revengeful Gladiator Gear is now available for purchase. Level 145 Required.

转型期农村利益调整,致使暴力性侵财案件、报复性治安案件和群体性事件频发。During the period of transition, rural adjustment of interests results in violent property-embezzling case, revengeful security case, and colony affairs.

如果你正在列出一张你对那个人不喜欢的事物清单,小心别对那个人感到怨恨,尤其出于此而采取行动。If you are making a list of things that you didn't like about that person, be careful so as not to feel revengeful towards that person, and especially, act on it.

像怨恨、嫉妒、伤心和愤怒像这样未解的充满报复性的情绪可能让一个人的心态偏离,导致他们彻夜就成为罪犯。Unresolved revengeful emotions like resentment, jealously, bitterness and rage can skew a person's frame of mind and result in them becoming a criminal overnight.

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我骄傲、爱记仇、有野心,还有很多罪恶,以至连我的思想也放不下,想象力也不能使这些罪恶成形,也没有充足的时间来实施这些罪恶。I am very proud, revengeful , ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in.

然而,莎士比亚有足够的能力洞察一切人身上的人类共性,所以他使得夏洛克成为一个真实可信的燃烧着复仇之火的犹太人。Shakespeare was capable, however, of seeing the universal principles of human nature embodied in all men, so that he made Shylock believable as the revengeful Jew.

消极的或复仇的情绪,并致力于将通常采用并受过检验的工具,这样你就更善于管理这些情绪。Use these trusted few to work through negative or revengeful emotions and commit to applying commonly tried and tested tools so that you can be better at managing these.

取消福利是最轻易直接激怒员工的手段之一,感到愤怒的员工会失去努力工作的动力,甚至产生报复行为。Cancelling welfare is one of methods of the easiest and direct exasperate employee, feel indignant employee can lose the power that work hard, produce revengeful action even.

蔑克里斯爽直地说着他自己的事,爽直地、诚实地披露着他那痛苦的、冷淡的、丧家狗的心情,然后流露着他的成功后的复仇的高傲。Michaelis talked frankly about himself, quite frankly, without affectation, simply revealing his bitter, indifferent, stray-dog's soul, then showing a gleam of revengeful pride in his success.