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你为什么没有枫叶卡?Why you don't have PR Card?

即4+Pr*2It's times 4, plus PR times 2.

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判罚核心的公关下降到3!Sizzled Core's PR dropped to 3!

他身边没有公关人员替他出谋划策。He has no PR people advising him.

降低半山区西部的地积比率。Reduce the PR in Mid-levels West.

一个公关人员给我展示了这篇社论。I was shown this editorial by a PR.

剪下贴-表演公关最多100个网址。Cut & Paste – Shows PR of up to 100 URLs.

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杜德利也有他自己的公关问题。Mr Dudley has had PR problems of his own.

在公共场合中,这叫做“讲话片段”。In the PR world this is called “soundbite”.

友情链接必须是永久的,积极的,从来没有到期。All links must be on-page PR, not domain PR.

被惩罚的网站即使PR再高也没用。A penalized site with a higher PR is useless.

还有的更谷歌肉牛比谷歌公关?There 's More to Google Beefs Than Google PR ?

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除此之外,建筑工棚是波多黎各中最孤单的建筑。After that, it is the loneliest building in PR.

公共关系专家显然在谈论召回。PR experts are obviously talking about a recall.

反向必须从高PR公共博客。Backlinks must be from public blogs with high PR.

无假货公关或由谷歌,雅虎,冰被禁网站。NO fake PR or sites banned by Google, Yahoo, Bing.

无假冒公关或由谷歌,雅虎,冰被禁网站。No fake PR or sites banned by Google, Yahoo, Bing.

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嗯,我首先取得了一个娱乐公关的学位。Well, I first, I got a degree in entertainment PR.

从此以后,我对公关爱恨交加。Since then, I have a love-hate relationship with PR.

我将我相关网站的链接放在里面,以提高PR值。I include links to my affiliate sites to increase PR.