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我是C3PO,人类的机械人亲戚。I am C3PO, human cyborg relations.

打开书的人造人进入她的世界。Open the Cyborg Book to enter her world.

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我想说的是半电脑人的未来近在眼前。My point is that the cyborg future is here.

直到人类军队跪倒在我的电子机械克隆人大军面前。That is, until humanity kneels before my army of cyborg clones.

随后,这位人机合体的杀手被作为一件礼物献给了杜库伯爵。They then presented their cyborg killer to Count Dooku as a gift.

它一直73年自亚历克斯失败,人类失去了人造人大战。It has been 73 years since Alex failed and the Humans lost the Cyborg Wars.

“完美的”视力可能要重新定义了----一些新发明的小玩意可以让你拥有电子人的眼睛。“Perfect” vision could be redefined by gadgets that give you the eyes of a cyborg.

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面向21世纪的游戏建的五.7体现了赛博范围的真谛。Built for 21st century gaming, the V. 7 embodies the true essence of the Cyborg range.

一名神秘的机械忍者在一路帮助他,甚至重复了灰狐对隐藏地雷的警告。A mysterious cyborg ninja aids him along the way, even repeating Gray Fox's warning of hidden mines.

见证了人造人的真正力量,并把你的游戏的键盘与人造人范围更上一层楼。Witness the true power of Cyborg and take your gaming to the next level with the Cyborg Keyboard range.

那位机器人军队的半机器人将军率军向科洛桑发动大胆的进攻,设法绑架了议长。The cyborg general of the droid army led a bold strike against Coruscant, and managed to abduct the Chancellor.

而在本世纪,增智药物、基因和“半机器人”技术也许会开始改变人类本身。But in this century, mind-enhancing drugs, genetics, and "cyborg" techniques may start to alter human beings themselves.

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格里弗斯启动了轮形摩托,呼啸着冲过地面,钻进尤塔帕灰岩坑城市内的蜿蜒通道。The cyborg fugitive fired up his ground-tearing wheel bike, fleeing down the twisting avenues of Utapau's sinkhole city.

排除多年不谈的基因改良和增强人类能力的机器,好像我们现在陷于停滞、不再进化升级了。With genetic and cyborg enhancement off the table for many years, it would seem we are presently stuck as-is, sans upgrades.

其唯一使命就是完全消灭人类,它制造了一个外表如人类样的被称为终结者的机器人刺客。With its sole mission to completely annihilate humanity, it develops cyborg assassins called Terminators that outwardly appear human.

机器人军队的军事指挥权落入格里弗斯将军手中,杜库以绝地技艺部分训练过这名致命的半机器人将军。Military command of the droid armies fell to General Grievous, the deadly cyborg general that Dooku partially trained in the Jedi arts.

TRAKR也与一个电子视觉应用,它可让您监控犯罪嫌疑人使用的里程表装,间谍指南针,十字线。TRAKR is also loaded with a cyborg vision app, which lets you monitor your suspects using a speedometer, a spy compass, and crosshairs.

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其后一年间,卡梅隆以这个梦中场景为基础完成了一个剧本,讲述一个机器人刺客穿越时光及时杀死未来叛军领袖的母亲。Within a year, Cameronused it as the basis fora script about a cyborg assassin sent back intime to kill the mother ofa future rebel leader.

西斯尊主要求杜库设法释放格里弗斯,因为这个半机械勇士是西迪厄斯为克隆人战争制定的总规划中不可缺少的一环。The Sith Lord demands that Dooku find a way to release Grievous, for the cyborg warrior is integral to Sidious' master plan for the Clone Wars.

尼尔所佩戴的机械天线“电子眼”,看上去就像一端带有摄像头、另一端植入头盖骨的长管。The cyborg antenna, or 'eyeborg' that Neil now wears is like a long tube with an audio input on one end that is implanted at back of his skull.