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但是吕萍认为刘嘉玲同样应该受到处罚。But Lu believes that Carina Lau is also culpable.

依我看来,至今为止他应对四粒失球负有责任。In my view, he is culpable for four goals so far.

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你大概不愿意因破坏了宴会气氛而遭指责吧。You would not want to be culpable for ruining the moment.

现在却被认为是这场危机的罪魁祸首之一。Now he is viewed as one of those most culpable for the crisis.

对公司亏损负有责任的管理层将被撤职。Management of the firm culpable for its losses will be terminated.

警方告诉CNN,驾驶员讲以杀人罪和酒后驾车被逮捕。The driver was arrested for culpable homicide and drunk driving, police told CNN.

也许戴明和她的律师应该对更应受到谴责的目标诉讼?Perhaps Deming and her attorneys should be litigating against more culpable targets?

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但是杨幼标的遗孀说,她不相信那些有罪的官员会受到处罚。But Yang Youbiao’s widow says she does not believe culpable officials will be punished.

为什么你能够逃避欺骗的处罚就代表了你是无罪的?Why should the fact that you can get away with cheating mean that you are not culpable?

我觉得在组织上还有很多不完善,还有不周到的地方。I feel to there still is a lot of to be not perfected in textural, still have culpable place.

伦敦并不缺少更聪明,更有道德而又较少受到责备的银行家们来接替他们的职位。London has no shortage of brighter, more ethical and less culpable bankers to take their places.

他的哥哥卡尔·皮斯托瑞斯在2008年交通事故中的刑事杀人罪名不成立,无罪释放。His elder brother Carl Pistorius has been acquitted of culpable homicide in a 2008 road accident.

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为此他认为克隆人战争的交战双方都罪责难逃,对绝地武士也毫无敬意。To that end, he held culpable all sides in the Clone Wars, and held no admiration for the Jedi Knights.

斯科尔斯因为丢球被点名批评,表现优异的吉格斯也没逃过批评。Paul Scholes was singled out for giving away the ball, but even the otherwise outstanding Ryan Giggs was culpable.

作为附带的好处,吃豆腐的美国人对食用大豆导致砍伐亚马逊森林的愧疚要少一点。As a side benefit, American tofu eaters also tend to be less culpable for soy's role in deforestation in the Amazon.

即便是杰克逊误用异丙酚并自己注射,可是把杰克逊单独留在他可以拿到药物的房间,默里是否仍然有罪?Even if Jackson did grab a syringe and misuse propofol, is Murray culpable for leaving him alone with access to the drug?

从原则上来说,阿萨德和其它滥用职权,咎行累累的现政府成员,不得参与。Logic, they say, compels that this government not include Assad or other members of his government culpable in widespread abuses.

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艾斯皮教授问,“你在睡眠中开车撞死了一位路人,就算你有睡行症病史,难道就不应该为此受到惩罚吗?”Sayyou killed a pedestrian by driving whileasleep and you had a historyof sleepwalking, shouldn't you deserve tobe found culpable?

该隐是有罪的,对那些将要犯罪的人,我们制定了了一些规则。Note also that Cain is culpable, and for someone to be culpable of something we have to assume some principle that they have violated.

但是麦道夫的阴谋有诸多应受谴责的共同点,若想了解这些共同点,我们必须从房贷市场说起。But Madoff’s scheme has a host of culpable look-alikes and one has only to begin with the mortgage market to understand the similarities.