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这头驴刚刚好。This burro is just right.

他看见一头戴着帽子的驴!He saw a burro wearing a hat!

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驴舔了爸爸的脸颊。The burro licked Papa's cheek.

懂了吧?这就是我称呼它毛驴的原因。See, that's why I called it a burro.

小毛驴逡巡着不肯爬上小路。The burro balked at climbing the path.

还有更多的事情需要美洲驴去做。There was more work for the burro to do.

“这头驴怎么帮我们?”爸爸问。"How can this burro help us?" asked Papa.

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驴的腿和马的腿是不一样的。The burro 's legs differ frome the horse's legs.

就这样,最后,小毛驴终于找到了他的妈妈。And so, in the end, the little burro reached his mommy.

因此,驮驴的毛发上有脏土污垢是很正常的。So it is normal for a burro to have some dirt in its coat.

很好。当你讲你自己的小毛驴故事时,他就会按照你说的那样做。OK, well, when you tell your burro story, that's what he'll do.

小毛驴为什么要回家?为什么不它跟兔子一起生活?Why does the burro go home? Why doesn't he stay with the rabbits?

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“我们必须找到一头帮我们拉或者运东西的驴”爸爸说。"We must find a burro to help us pull and carry things"Papa said.

拉着它的是匹栗色的马和一头灰白的小毛驴。It was drawn by an old bay horse and a little grey-and-white burro.

我想他应该跟一头小母驴私奔,那将会是一个比较精彩的爱情故事。I think he should go with the girl burro . That's a better love story.

那头毛驴可能是进食困难吗?那样的话就会更合情理一些。Could the burro have a grazing problem? That would making more relatable.

但是她警告养驴人不要让它们的脚掌像马那样高。But she warns the owners not to raise a burro 's feet as high as with a horse's feet.

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罗宾认为驴子的蹄子应该保持清洁,需要每6-8周清洁一次。Robin Rivellon says the burro 's feet should be cleaned and cared for every 6 to 8 weeks.

暗暗说驴的脚应该是干净的并且要每6到8个月被关心一次。Robin Rivello says a bureau's burro 's feet should be cleaned and cared for every 6 to 8 weeks.

或者美国人也可以从一个联邦部门-国土管理局那里购买从野外获得的驴子。Or Americans can buy a burro taken from the wild by a federal agency, the Bureau of Land Management.