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她的声音时起时落,有意识地用着一种甜美的唱腔。Her voice rises, falls, in a consciously sweet singsong.

科林打开遗嘱,开始用一种节奏单调的语气念起来。Colin opened the will, and began to read it out in a singsong voice.

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变化你的声音来避免单调或者太过喧闹。Use the inflection of your voice to avoid a monotone or singsong approach.

杏声悠扬美妙的歌声为典礼揭开序幕。SingSong chorus's wonderful singing opened the preface of the commencement.

吟颂符咒,你可以一直重复,二十几遍也可,我们小组成员常一起念。singsong You just say that, just say it like 21 times, and our group does this together.

他可以对妻子不忠,在外面寻花问柳也无关紧要。He can is opposite the wife is disloyal , go round singsong houses to also not matter outside.

宋词主要的演唱者,是职业化与专业化的歌妓。The principal performers of the Song ci-poetry were occupational and professional singsong girls.

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不过我偶尔还是会在周末的时候到公共服务器上小玩一下的。也许某个时候能碰到队友与他们打打自己组织的比赛也说不定。Still I may play in pub at weekends occasionally. Perhaps some time I will come across my teammates and play a singsong match.

他忽然听见牡丹亭处有人长叹,走过去一看,原来是家中十六岁的美丽歌女貂蝉。Suddenly, he heard a sigh from the pavilion nearby. He went over to see Diao Chan, the sixteen-year-old, very beautiful singsong girl in his family.

除了陈腐与空洞外,这段文字还因为自己的句子结构——对称呆板,节奏单调——而成为败笔。Apart from its triteness and emptiness, the paragraph above is bad because of the structure of its sentences, with their mechanical symmetry and singsong.

岛上的五万个索科特拉人说着属于同一种语言的四种方言,这种吟唱般的古老语言其他也门人是听不懂的。The 50,000 native Socotris, speaking four dialects of a singsong ancient language unintelligible to other Yemenis, subsist on fish, goats and not much else.

那麽你就光荣日落之后,为何没有得到与你的周边露营的故事会和歌咏轮篝火。Then you have the glorious Sunset and after that why not get together with your neighboring campers for a story telling session and singsong round the campfire.

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现在,他又用有节奏的、平淡的声调,用阿拉伯语向他的人民讲话,讲述他们对和平进程的希望,重申他们的强烈愿望的合情合理。Now, in a rhythmic, singsong voice, he spoke to his people in Arabic, recounting their hopes for the peace process and reaffirming the legitimacy of their aspirations.

此间诗歌传播中的酬唱赠答、歌妓乐工传唱、题壁与编选诗文集等活动都为诗歌的传播起了积极的推动作用。Such activities as responding to a poem with a poem, singsong girls and musicians' singing, inscribing a poem on a wall and compiling an anthology of poems all accelerated the diffusion of poetry.