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查尔斯·巴切尔多是一位机械师。Charles Batcheldor was a machinist.

去问问任何一个机械师,问他怎么看中国的金属。Ask any machinist what he thinks of Chinese metals.

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在1985年,一个年轻的金属机械师到我的诊所里来就诊。In 1985, a younger metal machinist came to my clinic.

那个机修工修理的唯一一辆车子就是我的。The car that the machinist fixed only till now is mine.

机械工业是我国最大的产业之一。Machinist job is one of our country's biggest industries.

机械工业仍将是我国的主要产业之一。Machinist job will still be one of main industries of our country.

史蒂夫•乔布斯在读大学时辍学,他被一名机械师和他做会计的妻子收养。Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant.

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由于这个系统,机械师控制在商店地板上的他或她自己的生产力。With this system, the machinist is in control of his or her own productivity on the shop floor.

现在自我指定的“机械师白痴”有了一个不同的规划,她计划去学习机械工程。Now the self-designated "machinist monkey" has a different outlook, and plans to study mechanical engineering.

机械师把耳朵紧贴在仪器上想听出和找出反常的声音出自何处。The machinist pressed his ear to the instrument in order to listen and tell where the abnormal sound came from.

再说,大场面和效果的制作和作者的技巧无甚相关,倒是更依靠舞台机械人员的技巧。Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet.

马萨诸塞州的一名机械工由于在事故中切掉了一截大拇指,此刻正在利用自己的细胞进行手指再生。Today a machinist in Massachusetts is using his own cells to grow a new thumb after he lost part of his in an accident.

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众所周知,整个工业的发展进程是以机械工业的发展作为核心而展开的。Well-known, serve as core with the development of machinist job and the development process of whole industry develops.

如果你想成为手工艺人、纫工、型工或制模工,你需要代数和几何,甚至三角。If you want to be a draftsman a machinist a molder or a patternmaker you'll need algebra and geometry and even trigonometry.

机械师工作贴于倒塌圣何塞二○一○年十月十三日煤矿井下的三黄胶囊的滑轮。A machinist operates the pulley attached to the Fenix capsule underground at the collapsed San Jose mine on October 13, 2010.

海军陆战队的经历开始了我的机械工程师生涯,也让我懂得学会怎么学就是一种有力的工具。The Marine Corps experience launched my machinist career. It also made me realize that learning how-to-learn is a powerful tool.

本文所设计实现的空中机械师虚拟现实训练系统就是一个将虚拟现实技术应用到空军高新技术装备日常训练中的科研项目。Aerial machinist VR training system is a scientific project for air force, which applied VR technique to daily training of new equipments.

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是一名大学辍学生。他被从事机械师和会计师的一对夫妻收养。养父母支持了乔布斯初期在电子方面的爱好。Steve Jobs was a college dropout. He was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountant. They supported his early interest in electronics.

培训及指导车间的机械师工作,开发新员工的技能上岗培训系统方案,发放技能卡,持卡上岗。Training and guidance workshop machinist how to work , development of systems for new staff skills training programs , release skills cards, certificates.

缝线是原始设计整体所需的部分,仅仅为了达到缝合裁片的目的,使衣服能获得一个无装饰的框架。The correct selection of sewing threads prior to garment assembly is essential in order to achieve the required finish to the garment and to aid the machinist during making.