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坦克正隆隆地开上一个斜坡。The tank was lumbering up a slope.

这尊雕像是纪念一位伟大的政治家的。Look where you're going, you lumbering great oaf!

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在这搭有丛林,木料业很重要。There are forests here, and lumbering is important.

一个寒冷的冬天的一天,熊去伐木下到湖边。One cold winter's day, Bear went lumbering down to the lake.

在一些不发澾的国家,伐木业十分重嘦。Lumbering is very momentous in some underdeveloped countries.

在一些不发达的国度,伐木业十分重要。lumbering is very important in some underdeveloped countries.

在一些不旺盛的国家,伐木业十分重要。Lumbering is very importgoodt in some underdeveloped countries.

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在一些不隆盛的国度,伐木业十分重要。Lumbering is very importould like in some underdeveloped countries.

曾是一个伐木业中心,如今具有各种各样的工业。Once a lumbering center, it now has varied industries. Population, 41,882.

人们集聚如蝗,男人、女人和孩子们,在大篷车笨重的前行中。For they came like herds of locusts, Every woman, child and man In their lumbering conestogas.

同时,对采伐基地进行及时更新,恢复森林植被。Simultaneously, a rotation system is in place for lumbering bases so as to help restore vegetation.

这里有许多森林,因而伐木业很重要。靠近太平洋地区,风景很美丽。There are forests here, and lumbering is important. The scenery is beautiful near the Pacific Ocean.

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主要应用于处理杂木、桉树、松木、白杨木等伐木业应用领域。It is mainly used for handing poplar, eucalyptus, pine, poplar wood, and other lumbering applications.

最大的希望是迪斯汀和邓恩中路防守中笨拙的表现。Equally, the biggest hope was the lumbering performances of Distin and Dunne in City's central defence.

我真讨厌这些动作缓慢身躯巨大的呆子们,用他们厚重的靴子踏来踏去,好像有多酷一样。I'm so sick of those giant lumbering oafs, clomping around with their massive shoes like they're so cool.

后来将一部分场景从紧张的气氛中排出,迈尔斯又如同是一个笨重的独轮。Later installments moved away from a tense atmosphere and instead opted for Myers as a lumbering slasher.

威廉斯波特宾夕法尼亚州中部的一城市,位于哈里斯堡以北。A city of central Pennsylvania north of Harrisburg. It developed as a lumbering center in the19th century.

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米欣看出扎尔巴不只是一个笨拙的蛮子,两人很快成了挚友。Mission recognized Zaalbar was more than a lumbering brute and the two quickly became the best of friends.

当它撞进一个仓库的时候佛瑞德看到了这个笨拙的庞然大物,撕开金属墙就像是撕纸。He spotted the lumbering behemoth as it crashed through a warehouse, tearing steel walls like tissue paper.

奥尔巴尼美国俄勒冈州西北部威拉米特河上的城市,位于塞勒姆南方。A city of northwest Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem. It is a lumbering and metallurgical center.