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新格兰奇的大多数遗迹是被泥土覆盖的石堆。Most of the new grange site is an earth-covered cairn.

一只叫特里的凯恩梗狗饰演了小狗托托。A Cairn terrier called Terry played the role of the dog Toto.

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夏季钻探季节结束后,凯恩能源放弃了这两口油井。Cairn plugged and abandoned both wells as the summer drilling season ended.

她饲养、喂马,培训然后成为了金安铁利亚的总冠军。She bred, groomed, trained and showed Cairn Terriers to their championships.

起初,她很小心,她将鹅卵石挖出,将它们一个一个的放在旁边,那些鹅卵石形成了一个小石堆。She lifts the pebbles out, one by one, and piles them to one side. They form a cairn.

最为显著的景观是堆石界标是由红褐色的火山岩石群,它们很可能是旅游者修建的。In the foreground sits a cairn of red-brown volcanic stones, likely built by tourists.

这是一个纪念在1996年葬身珠峰的登山者斯科特·菲舍尔的石冢。A cairn and stone marker memorialize climber Scott Fischer, who died on Everest in 1996.

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要开启它,必须有一个人站在石冢之中,并以特定的顺序触动它们。To open it, one must stand within the circle of cairn stones and touch them in a certain order.

在你来到石冢时,你必须记住这些穿过洞穴的道路。After you have come to the Cairn Stones, you must remember that the path continues through the caves.

由马鞍山开出的班次会因应交通情况或改行小沥源路及大老山公路。Journeys may be diverted via Siu Lek Yuen Road and Tate�� Cairn Highway depending on traffic condition.

眼黑变病是一种犬类中仅见于凯恩梗的眼科疾病。Ocular Melanosis is a disease of the eye which in dogs is almost found exclusively in the Cairn Terrier.

凯恩斯公司称他们钻探的试验井中有一口在掘进到砂层时发现了天然气,这表明下面确有石油。Cairn says it has found natural gas in thin sandlayers in one of its test wells, indicating the presence of oil.

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我即将登上钻井平台,将5万人的姓名,联通同我要求凯恩离开北极的个人呼吁一起递交出去。I am about to go aboard the rig to deliver those 50, 000 names with a personal call that Cairn leaves the Arctic.

他抬头向山坡望赴,只是见小路盘旋然而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。He looked up at the mountainside, the path twisting upwards towards the cairn cross, the white heat bleaching the rock.

中原油田5001钻井队,承钻了英国凯恩能源公司部署在孟加拉国15区块上的两口探井。Rig 5001 of ZPEB, had drilled two wild cat wells that were located by Cairn Energy PLC on the 15th block of Bangladesh.

海底隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道和西区海底隧道,均由私营公司按“建造、营运及移交”的专营权合约方式建造。Cairn Tunnel and the Western Harbour Crossing were built by the private sector under 'Build, Operate and Transfer' franchises.

在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。On the Kowloon side, the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate's Cairn Tunnel.

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大老山隧道在一九九一年通车,为九龙与新界东北部提供另一条直接连接通道。Cairn Tunnel was opened to traffic in 1991, providing an additional direct road link between the north-eastern New Territories and Kowloon.

充满悔恨的利威林在附近的草地安葬了爱犬杰里特并用一堆石头作为坟墓的标记。尽管他仍能听见他临死前的悲嗥。Filled with remorse, he buries Gelert in a meadow nearby and marks the grave with a cairn of stones, though he could still hear its dying cries.

凯恩有东西隐瞒,他们不敢公布自己清理北极这里泄漏石油的计划,而且原因是清理北极的泄漏石油根本不可能做到。Cairn has something to hide, they won't dare publish their plan to clean up an oil spill here in the Arctic, and that's because it can't be done.