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他把帽子扔向空中。He flung his hat up.

她随意地哼出愉快的调子。She flung off a merry tune.

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这里将会有女巫突然发飙。We'll have the hags flung out.

他全心投入到他的工作中。He flung himself into his work.

从淡绿茎秆里猛地冲出。Flung out of a pale green stalk.

预言的回声发出悲凉的曲调。Prophetic echoes flung dim melody.

他对提问者不客气地回答。He flung his answers at questioners.

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爆炸把他抛进了大海。The explosion flung him into the sea.

他转过身去,一言不发愤愤离去。He turned and flung off without a word.

迭戈把烟头抛入沉沉的夜色。Diego flung his cigarette into the dark.

他挥起手臂挡开这一拳。He flung up an arm to ward off the blow.

在他长时间的搜索中,意外发现了一封旧信。His long search flung up one old letter.

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她转过身去,一言不发愤然离去。She turned and flung off without a word.

她转过身,一言不发就愤然离开了。She turned and flung out without a word.

那马把骑手掀翻在地。The horse flung his rider to the ground.

风把一只喜鹊抛向远处,一只黑背鸥The wind flung a magpie away and a black

那个醉汉把空瓶扔了出来。That drunkard flung out the empty bottle.

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这台机器卷起大块大块的泥土。The machine flung up great heaps of earth.

他急忙打开他房间的每扇窗户。He flung open every windows in his bedroom.

他打开门把包裹扔了进去。He opened the door and flung the parcel in.